Saturday, June 27, 2009

Eagle Sperm Scooter Wheels

From noon to noon with a note Bersani

Political Organizations Description: The Democratic Party is poised to experience one of the most important and delicate stage of his young but experienced. The congress in October should be an important step to revive the political action of the largest reformist party of Italian and one of the most significant field force progressive and democratic Europe. I decided to support the candidature of Pierluigi Bersani, high-profile reformist and democratic honest, that has always characterized his policy proposal with a large central attributed al tema Mezzogiorno. Ed è proprio dal Sud che dovrà partire la nuova stagione del Pd.

Il mio sostegno a Pierluigi Bersani si basa su quattro punti fondamentali: selezione della classe dirigente fondata sul merito e sulla qualita', contro ogni logica legata ad improvvisazione e cooptazione, costruzione di un nuovo meridionalismo pragmatico, riformista e moderno, grande centralità ai temi europei e all’Unione quale “patria più ampia” di un Paese che deve tornare ad essere motore del processo di integrazione, volontà di liberare le tante giovani energie culturali, civili e professionali contro ogni forma di incrostazione corporativa e rendita parassitaria che - al Nord ma molto più al Sud - mortifica le competenze weak and often also the commitment to do more daring and do well. around an idea of \u200b\u200bthe South, to Italy and then Europe will have to assess and build convergences and alliances with other political forces, alternative to the block PDL - Lega , which today are already the majority in the country.
E 'on four proposals listed on Facebook, which launched the group, from noon to noon with Bersani.

wish to acknowledge with sincere gratitude to Dario Franceschini have worked hard in recent months to avoid the crumbling of the party. Franceschini is has proven capable and authoritative leader, available to listen to discussion and respectful of others' opinions. So there are conditions to make a conference speaking country and to discuss policy and future and avoid unnecessary conflicts and divisions that threaten to tear apart and move away again from the citizens. Who says Franceschini avoid presenting this as a challenge dialectic between old and new, because it is an exercise incorrectly and failed to reflect reality. It is to build the Democratic Party, there is much work to do to create the "New Party for the new century."

The South, with his women and his best men can make an important contribution by supporting the candidacy of Pierluigi Bersani. From the south, from our great southern may be born and a new future.

Gianni Pittella

Thursday, June 25, 2009

How To Do Split Screen On Wax

REVOLUTION? At the bottom left! Today at 12:03

Franceschini is a candidate to lead the PD. I'm glad. And
'his prerogative.
This fact sets in motion the thoughts in my head which I will make
participates, even if innocent
logorrhea of \u200b\u200bmy letters.

One of the first thoughts was that it has opened a new
election campaign, this time inside the PD.
Campaigns, you know, stop everything that is real
political activity. In

election campaign talk, promises, si spiega,
si va in giro, si raccolgono fa di tutto
tranne che fare Politica, quella vera, quella dei fatti,
quella delle azioni per migliorare la cosa pubblica, a
favore della comunità, cioè anche per noi.

Si pronuncia infatti,durante le campagne elettorali, la
seguente frase: “datemi il voto, così finalmente potrò
realizzare tutte le promesse che vi sto facendo, perché
adesso, che il vostro voto non ce l'ho, non posso fare

Che è anche un ottimo modo per non impegnarsi troppo se
si perde.

E' stato detto: “senza voti non posso mantenere le promesse”.
So now that I lost, I am free to do what I wanted to do

All this worries me.
Also because, if I have to rely on a party that
face opposition, which makes proposals that will build
alternatives, choose one with several million votes,
with a real force mobilization, resulting
great communication skills,
with a serious chance of being able to govern ...

choose one way, but I can not. .. Yes, because if
first was during the election campaign, then had to clarify
inside, then again in
election campaign, when it will begin to make policy?

Then I came another thought. Want to see the good
Franceschini nostalgia of the old DC?
And you see that Bersani nostalgia of the DS?

Some of the base, which will vote in the primaries,
bet you will also have nostalgia for the old PCI .. In short, an amalgam

not too successful.
a kind of mayonnaise "crazy" ...

I see on the horizon scenarios. PD
A politically weak and flattened on
centrist positions (ideological, non-numeric),
closer to an absorption of UDC
positions, I do not know how to consume, as
you outline. Or driving with a PD
Bersani, unable to move because
plagued by internal factions that will do anything to undermine
. With Rutelli not be able to do with it
a reason to have a secretary of a common origin
and feel more comfortable with friends of the PDL ....

short, I am not convinced that the PD will survive.
And sincerely believe, and I believed in the birth of PD.
of a large part of the reform of the labels,
seeks to innovate the country.

I just bought the box. An innovative, revolutionary
, which could not be without it.
Then I opened the package and read the instructions. It was written in large
the inventor of this product disclaims all warranties
indeed not even recognize the product. Signed Prodi.
declined then followed the same sentence differently,
signed by all participants in the project.
I had some doubts.
I closed the box. I'm back in the section.
And I have not found any more. Only a sign:
closed for local sale.

And they came to me the first doubts. Then try
Someone who I replace the box or at least having
alternatives, equally interesting.
But there is crisis.
Crisis offer. The products are Vecchiotti.
Many already do not work at the time of purchase.

What to do? It is said that to get new products
you should invest in research.
must investigate, test and research.

But it seems that you want to entrust the design of the new product
the designer of the dune.

hard but think to be able to create something beautiful and innovative
... In short .. if there is a
accustomed to certain things is not easy to change.

Back to my thoughts, that vortex
overlap and merge.

I said No to the PD. In any sauce.
I also said that I have doubts on a New Left
written by an Old Left.

I am a little worried about what happens in
PRC and the Party of Italian Communists.

I heard that Rizzo wants to build yet another
Communist Party, but has been careful to point out that
is an innovative project such as the Duna station.

Diliberto often seems to be true ... piduista,
not be true. Maybe there's a conspiracy.

But I return to a consideration
left open at the beginning.
Not that the initial error is thinking that today
people vote for the flag?
It's not that today people want to choose something
valido, di credibile, un partito, un'idea che non si
blocchi ogni volta sulle proprie contraddizioni?

Non è forse che oggi non esiste più un “elettorato
cattolico che vota cattolico”?

Perché se così non fosse non si capirebbe come ci sia
un Presidente del Consiglio vittima di forti invidie
nei confronti del proprietario di Playboy,
perché l'UDC porti a casa poche manciate di voti,
E non si capirebbe perché il 30% degli italiani non
voti (mica pochi).

Allora forse il problema risiede altrove. Risiede nella
necessità forte di capire come è possibile essere
“ecologisti” and produce cars for example (but
are environmentally friendly and recyclable, someone would answer.
add: "Of course we had to pollute a little
to extract the metal, a lot for work, then
if for reasons of labor costs, some to save
has spilled waste processing in
ground, it is not our fault, of course, we could pay more
work, etc ... but would cost too
your car. We did te.Da
which shows that if a worker dies because
to save time and money there were adequate safety measures
was my fault!)

The problem therefore lies in
that if we accept the facts, we can not avoid having to think
new economic systems, different and antithetical
the current one, where the models
Latin America (the "South American models" were those of dictators
years 70.
left now prefers the term "Latin America" \u200b\u200bis more respectful ...
) antagonists in the face of the forums, but all
are certainly not mutually exclusive.

But reshape an economy, an alternative system,
ecologist, waste so that even the principle of exploitation
"acceptable", which refuses
the basic concept of the current economy "to produce
for consumption, consuming to produce, it also means
to question at least a century of struggle
union, and certainly the current union system. Critically re-read Marx
means, but until last
line, or at least the Communist Manifesto, and
understand them, there was a description of the disease
but not a cure.
It does not provide the care, there is evidence, much less the
Leninism and its various appendages.

E 'must go further.
leak that Catholicism did not accept the capitalist economic system
until it's
Pope John Paul the second. Understanding that faith Communist
it is absolutely wrong, but it requires the overcoming of
itself, for the construction of a new social project
. If

new left must be, it can only be born physically and intellectually by enfranchising

old cultural shackles in which it is beached. But

need new people, are intellectuals, serves
culture, need to read those tomes of philosophy
in Italy have never arrived, that the left has always

The Left today is not in crisis "because it left".
The Left today is in crisis because it has stopped his clock
in the seventies.
not understood how the world was changing and devolving
now has to change, and it must make the revolution.
Its on the inside. A true revolution, physiological. So please
: dear old fellow a thousand battles
, tell your leaders:
"make yourself safe. Now. Get away. Expatriate. "
Because if you will be overwhelmed by this revolution
left you will get hurt.



Sunday, June 14, 2009

Dico Thermostat Manuals

not too long Nicola Bressan

Have you noticed something extraordinary? We are telling us that to be born a new party, movement, association with the left ... a United Left which does not disavow his past and his identity, but able to innovate the country and the ruling class ... .. Then, without anyone noticing it, see it, being aware of the movement already exists in hundreds of groups ... FB, with its petitions, invitations, activities, often shared by the same people, with names that are repeated and new names make up a nation of hundreds of thousands of people ... but not only that all these petitions, texts, calls etc. .. unconsciously draw the program of the left ... amazing. The left does in fact exist between the "normal" people, including the not "elected" even among those who abstained from the elections because he was tired and even disgusted ... then what do we do with this intelligence and this force?
waiting for someone to come to take her away for their own electoral interests or power? Or do we yield?
Why you like it or not things occur, situations evolve.
We can not stand to look at the window ... because you like it or not, the story also passes through the windows.
You can not be spectators because we are, willy-nilly, involved if not overwhelmed. Then

diveniamone protagonists. This time we change the rules of the game.
This time I ask because clearly it's getting late now ... you can not wait any longer.
Spread the word.
Make sure that the groups you belong to you or your friends that belong to communicate with it.
Let the documents and appeals also appear in this group and others.
s compare and chat and share information, acts. Started to organize. We put forward the best of our abilities, mobilize for this democracy, controversial and limited, but the only basis on which to build for something better. I invited you to participate in an act of witness, wearing a flower in front of town halls on Sunday 28.
E 'action recently, someone smile, others will have erased ... but with small gestures we can communicate that the left exists, we can tackle the sense of annihilation and despair that pervades much of the country ... I asked a flower to witness the desire for freedom and democracy ... but instead I ask you to share your principles, your ethics, your desire to participate ... someone wrote "... if not now when?" We grew up in a country the son of a popular and partisan struggle, during which we celebrated those years, perhaps forgetting the meaning, perhaps forgetting that there are people who make history, but often leave to the powerful opportunity to write memory .. to fight back, now is the time ...


Why are there because for so many things. There are
because of the desire to mettere in soffitta
la sinistra. Ci sono dei perché quelli di sinistra “
non si muovono”. Ci sono anche dei perché sembra che
tutti vogliano che “quelli di sinistra” NON si muovano.

Ci sono dei perché per la questione dell'ambiente,
della sua difesa, della sua tutela che non può essere
affrontata se non si affronta insieme la questione di
che economia si vuole, perché è difficile infatti
applicare le tutela ambientale ad una economia che fa
della distruzione delle risorse naturali la condizione
per la sua stessa esistenza.
Ci sono dei perché anche al fatto che al posto di
migliorare la scuola pubblica
you remove the resources to be devoted to private schools, there are
because it does the same with hospitals and public health,
where people come and can not be treated or rescued, because there are
the machines are broken, or there is no place
and there is a private hospital because they are efficient.
There is definitely a reason to the fact that the company that built the hospital
Aquila, that collapsed the
has been entrusted with the reconstruction of the entire city there are
because the union is required
out of those same sites. There are
because the man who wrote and Gomorrah
had to flee abroad to safety, as there are so
the fact that when someone wants to investigate the mafia
many politicians and business people prefer to say
"but never mind, because everyone is moving confusion" ... There are so
Mangano was a hero and Falcone and Borsellino
are forgotten because there are
when a dictator like Qaddafi in Italy is honored by all politicians, and there is a
because if someone evades his police's
is returned for non-EU, and there is a
because even when we talk about Europe, especially before
election, when it
important laws are made to the European Parliament, and there is a reason our President of the Board
not going to speak to the parliament
but prefers to speak with the director of "Chi" and Bruno Vespa
a Porta a Porta.
There's a freedom in this country because it is becoming increasingly
in danger and no one wants to admit.
There is a reason to the fact that I continue to write,
send mail to "disturb." If you came to this line
think you understand why.
Because I firmly believe that all this can be changed.
And I firmly believe that the change that do not touch
altro.Credo someone touches us.

I also believe that I no longer believe those who told me that you can not.
I think even fewer who tells me CAN 'DO when his
want to do it seems, in fact, does not coincide with mine.
I do not think even he who destroys a left
name of absolute truth. I do not think those who want to divide, take away
I believe that being left is to believe in equality,
in freedom, believing that nobody should be exploited, I think that being left
it means to be inclusive,
that all have equal dignity, that no one can be left out of the
I also believe that the door be left
is fighting for these things, we admit that these things
relate directly, in person.
is: is there a why I do, there is a "why is
left in our country," there is a "why are so many
heads and not just one," there is a need for talk, discuss, decide and do
"because there are so many to be answered ..
. Do not pull back!!

*********** ********* **********


Friday, June 12, 2009

Emu Bronte Czy Stinger?

the privacy of a head of government.

Spagna. 'El Pais' risponde a Silvio Berlusconi e Nicolò Ghedini: "La privacy & il Premier"Condividi
Oggi alle 16.48
Articolo originale di Marc Carrillo (docente di Diritto Costituzionale all’Università Pompeu Fabrade) su 'El Pais' - (1)

13 Giugno 2009 -- Berlusconi può nascondersi dietro la tutela della privacy dopo la pubblicazione delle foto in Sardegna? No. Le immagini sono rilevanti: è un personaggio pubblico la cui vita privata contraddice il suo discorso politico

La privacy è quell’ambito della vita privata di una persona che risulta inaccessibile agli altri, salvo che il proprio consenso non lo permetta. Ciò nonostante, è un diritto sottoposto a dei limiti. Infatti può essere sacrificato in favore del diritto di comunicare e di ricevere informazioni se queste sono di pubblico interesse. Le recenti informazioni che denunciano presunti casi di abuso di potere commessi dal primo ministro italiano, Silvio Berlusconi, riportano in primo piano il dibattito sul grado di protezione della privacy che una società democratica deve garantire a coloro che , per via della carica rappresentativa o della professione esercitata, occupano una posizione di rilievo nella vita pubblica e, pertanto, sono sottoposti al giudizio sociale.

Soprattutto se si tratta di rappresentanti con responsabilità nell’ambito delle istituzioni democratiche. Detto questo, non devono esserci dubbi sul fatto che le persone celebri, oggetto di pubblica notorietà, non cessano pertanto di essere titolari del diritto alla privacy. Ma è anche vero che i limiti all’informazione (comunicare fatti che li riguardano) o alla libera espressione (esprimere opinioni sulla loro condotta) devono essere molto più flessibili nel caso in cui intervengano ragioni di pubblico interesse, sia per quanto riguarda il loro comportamento pubblico, sia per quanto riguarda azioni private che possano avere una rilevanza pubblica.

Questa è una condizione sine qua non della società aperta, che la giurisprudenza del Tribunale Europeo dei Diritti Umani ha ribadito, affermando che il diritto a comunicare informazioni su fatti di pubblico interesse occupa una posizione singolare nel sistema costituzionale dei diritti fondamentali, giacché una lesione o una restrizione ingiustificata di tale diritto non solo implica la limitazione del diritto fondamentale dei cittadini a ricevere informazioni, ma influisce anche negativamente sulla creazione e sul mantenimento di un’opinione pubblica libera, in quanto istituzione essenziale del sistema democratico (Sentenze Handyside c. Gran Bretagna del 7/XII/1976 e Lingens c. Austria, the 6/VII/1986). The same goes for Italy.

Recently, the Italian press - despite the refusal of the Ministry of Justice - the international one, especially EL PAIS, gave an echo graphic suspicion of abuse of power on the prime minister Berlusconi. These abuses include having encouraged the adoption of specific laws on that flight officers and, therefore, with public transportation, guests can travel for private recreational activities, ol'aver promoted to positions of responsibility, on the ballot in his party the European Parliament or in the same Council of Ministers, persons whose only merit is political was the beauty, as proudly stated by the premier.

Berlusconi, however, considered that the publication of photos taken on his estate in Sardinia, while making it unrecognizable images of the protagonists, attentive to the privacy of his guests and announced legal action against this newspaper. However, there are strong legal reasons, based on the public interest of information disseminated, which supports the view that the right to inform about these facts can not be restricted. Let's see.

The first is that it appears reasonable doubt the legitimacy enjoyed by the media to inform the prime minister makes use of some singolari leggi, approvate con l’obiettivo di autorizzarlo a invitare i suoi amici a viaggiare su voli ufficiali.

Soprattutto quando lo scopo è quello di partecipare, con mezzi finanziati dall’erario, ad attività ludiche di carattere privato. Che una legge permetta di portare a termine ciò che è obiettivamente un abuso di potere, tristemente avallato dal Parlamento, non può essere un ostacolo affinché la stampa possa informare al riguardo, anche con mezzi grafici e – questo sì – con lo scrupolo di non diffondere particolari irrilevanti, come l’identità dei partecipanti. Che uno di essi si sia sentito chiamato in causa – l’ex premier ceco Topolanek – è solamente affar suo.

Ciò che realmente risulta importante è il fatto in sé dell’ostentazione che Berlusconi fa del lusso privato finanziato parzialmente con denaro pubblico, protetto dalla legge ad hoc. E pertanto quella stessa legge non può impedire che le persone vengano informate riguardo a tali attività, perché, se così fosse, sarebbe incostituzionale e sarebbe inoltre una conseguenza consustanziale derivata dall’articolo 21, comma 2 della Costituzione della Repubblica, che stabilisce che “la stampa non può essere soggetta ad autorizzazioni o censura”. È ovvio che in Italia, e in qualsiasi paese democratico, garantire l’informazione su fatti di questa natura è una question of democratic public policy. Without that, conversely, we can accept the obvious manipulation of the right to privacy of its guests, as did the Italian prime minister.

The right to privacy as a right not to be bothered, is protected by the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights (art. 8). But when what you are publicly censure the conduct of politicians in their public sphere - such as promoting a law that allows the use of public funds for private purposes - the right to communicate information (art. 10) can not be interpreted - supports the Court in Strasbourg - in the light of the right to privacy. With This will mean that the limits of permissible criticism are wider in relation to a politician, when he acts as such, as it does when Berlusconi is benefiting from a law to promote his circle of friends and wrongly mixes the public space with private .

course, a politician has the right to privacy, even when it acts in public, but in this case the protection of his privacy must be balanced with the interests of free discussion of political issues (Judgement, Case Lingens, 1986). In this respect, the Strasbourg Court noted that, if a politician is in a situation in which are concealed his political activities and his business private, can take place to trigger a political debate harsh criticism in the law to provide information and freedom of expression (Judgement, Case Dichand of 02/26/2002). And the publication of photographs taken in the private residence of the prime minister is a legitimate way of promoting a public debate on abuse of power.

A second reason concerns the requirements of an open society: representatives are held accountable for behavior inconsistent and hypocritical. Therefore you must get in a diligent and truthful information to communicate about the company. If Berlusconi, the confusion between public and private evident from this public representative eletto democraticamente, fa sorgere pochi dubbi all’interno del dibattito politico riguardo all’abuso di potere e alla promozione del clientelismo che, sotto la sua ala protettrice, e grazie alle sua acquiescenza, si sta espandendo. Conoscere tali fatti in tutta la loro dimensione, per quanto possa risultare amaro, è oggettivamente un motivo di pubblico interesse.

La società italiana, e di riflesso quella europea nell’ambito dell’Unione, non può scrollare le spalle di fronte ai comportamenti di un politico che possiede un tale livello di responsabilità istituzionale sia nel proprio paese, sia in Europa. E l’interesse cresce quando, accanto a questa esibizione di eccessi che rasenta l’oscenità Institutional, Prime Minister, in exercise of obvious hypocrisy, has become the protagonist, as in the case Eluana, an institutional conflict with the President of the Republic, Giorgio Napolitano, who, with exquisite care, had to remind him that could ratify a law is clearly unconstitutional by which Berlusconi, taking their positions for a ultramontane Catholicism, claimed to prevent the execution of a ruling by the Supreme Court, in order to prolong the life of a woman in a vegetative state for more than fifteen years. The Italian company has to have the opportunity to fight through information that the damage these miseries. Publication delle foto in Sardegna è, pertanto, di pubblico interesse, perché in questo modo si riesce a consolidare un’opinione pubblica libera.

(1) - Articolo originale : "La intimidad y el primer ministro"

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Brown Hair With Blonde Chunks

Giolitti, CROSS, Scarlett

Noi siamo convinti che il mondo, anche questo terribile, intricato mondo di oggi può essere conosciuto, interpretato, trasformato, e messo al servizio dell'uomo, del suo benessere, della sua felicità.
La lotta per questo obiettivo è una prova che può riempire degnamente una vita.»

Enrico Berlinguer

**************************************** *****

Giovanni Giolitti
Son of Juvenal, a Registrar of the Court, and Henrietta Plochiù, belonging to a wealthy family of French origin, the small "Gioanin", as it was called the family after the death of his father when he still had a year, he moved to Mondovi in \u200b\u200bTurin, where the mother's four brothers lived in the house of Angennes Street (now Via Principe Amedeo). Here Giolitti grows frail and in poor health so that the mother, on the advice of his uncle takes him to some medical anni in montagna, nella Val Maira, nella casa del nonno materno.

Studia al ginnasio San Francesco da Paola di Torino (che avrebbe poi mutato il nome in liceo Gioberti). Frequenta la facoltà Giurisprudenza all'Università di Torino e si laurea a soli 19 anni.

Politico privo di un passato impegnato nel risorgimento, portatore di idee liberali moderate, entra nel governo già nel 1882 come collaboratore del Ministero di Grazia e Giustizia; dopo essere passato, con la Destra storica di Quintino Sella, al Ministero del Tesoro (dove, fra l'altro, contribuì a quell'opera tributaria volta tutta al pareggio del bilancio), diventa Ministro del Tesoro del governo di Francesco Crispi e, quindi, Ministro dell'Interno nel governo di Zanardelli, prima di giungere alla nomina di Primo ministro nel 1892.

L'ideologia politica

Come neo-presidente del Consiglio si trovò a dover affrontare, prima di tutto, l'ondata di diffuso malcontento che la politica crispina aveva provocato con l'aumento dei prezzi.
Ed è questo primo confronto con le parti sociali che evidenzia la ventata di novità che Giolitti porta nel panorama politico dei cosiddetti "anni roventi": non più repressione autoritaria, bensì accettazione delle proteste e, quindi, degli scioperi purché non violenti né politici (possibilità, fra l'altro, secondo lui ancora piuttosto remota in quanto le agitazioni nascevano from all of the economic hardships
). As he himself noted in a speech in Parliament on the dissolution, following a strike, the Genoa Chamber of Labour, are to be feared especially violent protests and disorganized, the result of natural degeneration of peaceful demonstrations suppressed by force:
"I am not afraid then ever organized forces, I fear much more disorganized because if the forces on those of the government's action can be exercised legitimately and effectively, compared to inorganic motions there can be that the use of force." Against this apparent consistency
his critics as Gaetano Salvemini rushed as it pointed out that in Southern Italy strikes were systematically repressed. The intellectual
southern Giolitti called a "minister of the underworld" just because of his carelessness with regard to the social problems of the South, [2] which would result in an extension of the phenomenon of the Camorra and mafia-like patronage.

Giolitti can be called a liberal or a conservative liberal enlightened, could fit, trying to master it, the diverse reality of Italian politics.
He said his job was like a tailor than having to pack a suit for a hunchback to do the hump even through her dress.
So he was convinced of having to run a country "Hunchback" was not going to "straighten out" but realistically govern for what it was.

His attention turned to the Socialist Party, to turn an opponent in support of institutions and at the same time broaden the foundations of the state, and to Catholics who wanted to return to the political system.
After the unfortunate events that had characterized the last government and that of Pelloux Crispi, Giolitti was convinced that if the liberal state had wanted to survive, had to take into account the new emerging classes.
In "Memories of my life," he walks the same path of his great predecessor Cavour and he almost repeated expressions. As Cavour
argued, following the British liberal model, which must be realized timely reforms to prevent social unrest ("Humanity is directed toward two goals, one political, the other economic.
political order, it tends to change their institutions in order to call a growing number of citizens participation in political power.
economic order, it is apparently intended to improve the lower classes, and a better allocation of the land and capital) in the same manner seemed to say Giolitti
"I considered that after failure of the reactionary policy, we are beginning a new era ...
The upward movement of the working class is increasingly accelerated motion and it was invincible perché comune a tutti i paesi civili e perché poggiava sui principi dell'eguaglianza tra gli uomini.
Solo con una [diversa] condotta da parte dei partiti costituzionali verso le classi popolari si sarebbe ottenuto che l'avvento di queste classi, invece di essere come un turbine distruttore, riuscisse ad introdurre nelle istituzioni una nuova forza conservatrice e ad aumentare grandezza e prosperità alla nazione.» (dalle Memorie della mia vita di G. Giolitti).

È innegabile la tendenza, sfondo di tutta la sua attività politica, di spingere il parlamento ad occuparsi dei conflitti sociali al fine di comporli tramite opportune leggi.
Per Giolitti, infatti, le classi lavoratrici non vanno considerate the same way as a mere opposition to the state - as was the case until then - but they must recognize the legitimacy of legal and business.
task of the state then is to act as a neutral mediator between the parties since it is the minorities especially the multitude of those workers harassed by the tax law to the poverty and the excessive power of employers in the industry.
One aspect of his attention to the working classes can also be seen as the innovation of the payment of compensation to parliamentarians who hitherto had carried out their functions free of charge.
This would allow, at least theoretically, greater participation of the poor the office of representative of the people.

Age Giolitti. The beginning of the adventure

Giolitti as prime minister coincided with essentially the first real defeat of the government Crispi, outvoted in February 1891 on a bill to tax increases. After
Crispi, and after a brief period (February 6, 1891 - May 15, 1892) during which the country was entrusted to the liberal-conservative government of the Marquis of Rudin, May 15, 1892 he was appointed Prime Minister Giovanni Giolitti, then still part Group Crispin.

was forced to resign after just over a year, December 15, 1893, embarrassed by the scandal of the Banca Romana and disliked by the big industrialists and landowners for its refusal to suppress the protests by force that crossed the country extensively and rumors about a possible introduction of a progressive income tax. After the banking scandal

Giolitti had no government positions for the next seven years, during which the main figure in Italian politics continued to be Francesco Crispi, who led an aggressive foreign policy and colonialism. A number of governments succeeded Crispi characterized by considerable harshness in suppressing popular protests and strikes, Giolitti became more and more the embodiment of an opposite policy, and February 4, 1901 a speech to the House contributed to the downfall of government then in office, the Government Saracco, responsible for ordering the dissolution of the Chamber of Labour of Genoa.

early as Zanardelli Government (February 15, 1901 - November 3, 1903), Giolitti had a remarkable influence that went beyond that which is proper to the office of Minister of Interior, in part because of the advance age of the chairman of the board.

II Giolitti government

The November 3, 1903 Giolitti returned to the government, but this time he decided for a radical change: he opposed, as before, the reactionary wave of the century, but he did not from the ranks of the Left and more Crispin group as had hitherto done; taken action to convince against the Socialist Party to involve the government, referring directly to a "mentor" socialist, Filippo Turati, who wanted even as his minister (Turati, however, declined in response to pressure from the current ceiling of PSI).

In this context, the rules were enacted to protect the work (in particular children and women), about old age, on the invalidity and accidents, the prefects were required to use greater tolerance of strikes apolitical, in invitations 'contract were allowed Catholic and socialist cooperatives. It was also launched the nationalization of the railways is promoted economic development through stability monetaria ed i lavori pubblici (ad esempio il traforo del Sempione).


Nacque a Pescasseroli, in Abruzzo, da un'agiata famiglia abruzzese trapiantatasi a Napoli e crebbe in un ambiente profondamente cattolico. Ancora adolescente, però, si distaccò dal cattolicesimo e per tutta la vita non si riaccostò più alla religiosità tradizionale. Perse i genitori, Pasquale e Luisa Sipari, e la sorella Maria durante il terremoto di Casamicciola del 28 luglio 1883 mentre vi si trovava in vacanza con la famiglia, nell'isola di Ischia. In seguito a questo episodio fu affidato alla tutela dello zio Silvio Spaventa, fratello del filosofo Bertrando Spaventa, nella cui casa romana visse fino alla maggiore età.

Croce ebbe contatti con gli esponenti della Nuova Italia, tra cui Labriola che lo inizierà al marxismo e alla filosofia idealistica classica tedesca. Nel gennaio del 1903 esce il primo numero della sua rivista La critica, stampata a sue spese fino al 1906, allorché subentra l'editore Laterza.

Viene nominato senatore nel 1910 e dal 1920 al 1921 è ministro della Pubblica Istruzione nel 5° e ultimo governo Giolitti. Rompe definitivamente col fascismo, dopo il delitto Matteotti.
Nello stesso anno rompe anche con Giovanni Gentile, il quale già dal 1903 collaborava magazine with his "criticism" for philosophical and political differences.
Gentile, with the publication of the Manifesto of the Fascist intellectuals in 1925, sided definitively towards fascism and Cross responds, releasing itself on the world, the Manifesto of the Anti-Fascist Intellectuals in which it is alleged violence and suppression freedom of the press by the regime.
After a brief supporting the anti-fascist National Alliance Movement (1930), then moves away from political life [1], is continuing to freely express his political views, without the challenge from the fascist regime. In fact fascism

considered an opponent Cross little frightening, as he was a supporter of Fascism defined as a "moral disease" inevitably overtaken by the progress of history. In addition, the reputation of the Cross at the European public, protecting it from action by the oppressive regime.

In 1938, the system launches the anti-Semitic legislation.
The government sends to all university professors to fill out a questionnaire for classifying "racial".
All respondents respond. The only intellectual jew who refuses to complete the questionnaire was cross.
The philosopher, instead of returning the completed form, sent a letter to the president of the Institute of Sciences, where he wrote sarcastically:

"Dear colleague, I get here today that I had to postpone the questionnaire before 20. In any case, I would not have filled up, preferring to exclude me as supposed jew. It makes sense to ask a man who has sixty years of literary activity and participated in the political life of his country, where and when it is born, and the like? "

After the fall of the Cross is part of politics, accepting the appointment as Chairman of the Liberal Party. During the resistance tries to mediate between the various anti-Fascist parties. In 1944 he was Minister without portfolio in the second Badoglio government. Immediately after the liberation of Rome (June 1944) became part of the second government Bonomi, always as a minister without portfolio but resigned a few months later, on July 27. Referendum on form of government (2 June 1946) votes for the Republic and left the Liberal Party, which is instead in favor of monarchy. He was elected to the Constituent Assembly.

Also founded in 1946 in Naples, the Italian Institute for Historical Studies earmarked for the home he owned an apartment next to his house and library in the Palace Filomarino.


Carlo Rossella

Il liberalismo socialista
Quale fosse, d'altronde, l’idea centrale di Rosselli nel ‘23 e nel ‘24 è ampiamente testimoniato dai suoi scritti sul “Liberalismo socialista” e dall’analisi sul movimento operaio inglese.
Carlo Rosselli, su suggerimento di Alessandro Levi, inviò un articolo a “Critica Sociale”, pubblicato nel numero 1– 15 luglio 1923 con il titolo “Liberalismo socialista”. Il suo punto di partenza era molto chiaro: Per molti sa ormai di vecchio l’affermazione essere il socialismo il logico sviluppo del liberalismo, i socialisti gli eredi legittimi e necessari di quella funzione liberale che spettò nel secolo past the patriots of the Risorgimento.
about "social liberalism," stated Rosselli: At least until last October (date of birth of the Unitarian Party) in Italy has never existed, since 1900 a socialist party that could truly be called liberal and democratic as the board members clinging to the letter of Marxism, it was not possible that there is a party and a social practice with liberal method

Rosselli This article drew on the writing of Alexander Levi, "Liberalism as a state of mind", which drew a distinction between liberalism as a system, tied to a specific economic situation - Social and liberalism as a method of thought and action, such as mood. Rosselli for liberalism as the method can not be the monopoly of this or that group, because it signifies a respect for certain fundamental rules of the game, which are the basis of modern civilization and can be summarized in the representative system, in recognition of a right opposition and rejection of violent means of opposition. In his short article
Rosselli pointed to the example of the Labour Party: Is there a country in the world (England) a Socialist Labour Party which is preparing to seize power with the method and liberal spirit, willing now to recognize the day does not out of his triumph, the legal right to existence of one or more objections.
It concluded: All of the fortunes of the proletarian movement and all its possible troubles revolve around a central point: the struggle for freedom, against which every other question, it appears very miserable thing.
Carlo Rosselli's confidence in the British Labour was shared by other young people like Nino Levi, Alessandro Schiavi, Enrico Sereni, Piero Sraffa and, most Fabians. This explains why the leadership of the Socialist Unity Party decided to make room for the intentions of the young liberals who look to the "Labour Party", founded the new youth magazine "Freedom", to which he was invited to collaborate Carlo Rosselli.
On January 1, 1924 came the first issue of "freedom", fortnightly of Socialist Youth, which had as its subtitle the phrase of Marx and Engels, the bourgeois society with its classes and its class antagonisms, will take over association in which the free development of each is the condition for the free development of all. Most likely they were just
Treves, Mondolfo and Levi to ask Carlo Rosselli to write for the new journal article on "The Labour party in England," which came out in number three in the Feb. 1, 1924. Rosselli insisted: The Labour Party, on the basis of its elements can be defined as a federation of business groups and political groups. Federations and associations is actually the political organization of the labor movement's oldest and powerful in the world. In this long article
Rosselli trace a brief history of the British labor movement since 1825, but his attention is directed to the "Labour Party": The truth is that Labour have left the organization in so large a liberal spirit, such a autonomy, such a large freedom of criticism. This has been helped greatly throughout the English tend to see only practical and well-defined problems. Marxism in England, like every other ideology priori, has never taken root.
Historical materialism, understood as a vulgar economic determinism, is clearly rejected. The class struggle is no doubt actively practiced by the British organizations, but it is generally rejected in theoretical and policy by socialist societies.
because they always claimed in the halo of the proletariat organized all over the world of work, so have always declared its intention to govern in the name and on behalf of the whole country with a democratic - liberal. This would have won wide sympathy in the middle classes
For the first time in the history of Europe, we see the magnificent and peaceful ascension to power of the working class. Example and warning time for a continental socialist parties, which demonstrates the ability under certain conditions of education and the environment, a socialist movement that comes to power through the method liberal - democratic.
This article confirms that the political model of English at the beginning of 1924 is clear in the minds of the young Rosselli, who continues to hope that this model can be adapted to Italy.
Rosselli, in another article on "Social Criticism" of 15 to 31 May 1924, "Luigi Einaudi and the labor movement," writes a review on Einaudi Charles sees in him nobly embodied the tragedy of Italian liberalism that time could settle the premise of the classical school of economics with the awakening of the proletarian classes, and now has great skepticism in the world under construction worker, just as it tends to change and overthrow the economic and moral foundations of society today.
Einaudi argues that the motion is necessary to distinguish workers from socialism, but in reality there is a definite correlation between the fact and the fact that political union, in fact every healthy labor movement is accompanied by a socialist political movement.
This passage confirms that even in the economic field - the union sought feedback Rosselli England as a model of civil society.
Rosselli uses the dichotomy of system and method, proposed by Alessandro Levi, to distinguish between liberalism and liberalism as a system as a method, and to apply this distinction to Italy; Italian liberals want liberalism as a system which is summarized in the formula: capitalist system and bourgeois. We must instead focus on the liberal method, which has as its fundamental premise that the freedom of more persuasion is the best way to reach the truth.
The method is intended as a set of rules that are based della vita dei popoli a civiltà europea e che tutte le parti in lotta s’impegnano di rispettare in quanto servono ad assicurare la pacifica convivenza dei cittadini e delle classi.
Poiché l’interesse economico di un paese non può prescindere da un’intesa tra imprenditori e lavoratori, l’associazione dei primi dovrebbe portare all’unificazione sindacale dei lavoratori; la conseguenza sarebbe la formazione di un partito del lavoro, che agisca con metodo liberale nell’ambito di un ordinamento rappresentativo di tipo bipolare con maggioranza al governo e minoranza all’opposizione. In quest’ipotesi, lo sguardo è sempre rivolto all’Inghilterra.
Il 25 marzo 1924 era uscito sul giornale "Freedom" Rosselli an article entitled "The labor movement." Rosselli recognizes that the labor movement's oldest and powerful in the world is going through a crisis, but for him this is a crisis due to transient factors, where the deepest crisis that gnaws at the giant British trade union is the inability to engage in the economic field.
By far the most original among theorists is gildismo GDH Cole, for which the worker problem is no problem of conscience, dignity, freedom, in fact, the workers no longer satisfied with the simple economic improvement, which means the end not reached with the Trade Union expands, moves; want to become active sharers in the life of the company. For guilds
Rosselli, elementary economic units, are deeply imbued with the British Unionist world, which provides for the gradual transformation of the state, made by the unions of the Trade Unions, in order to achieve the emancipation of the working class and put an end to the Committee of 'Affairs of the ruling class. The problem
worker remains a political problem in the sense that the trade union movement can lead to vast beaches, if you ally with the party itself or creates its political body.
In number 10 of "Freedom" on May 15, 1924, is the article "Survey on young people (war and fascism)" signed Carlo Rosselli, in which the intellectual anti-fascist struggles to understand the attitude of young adherents to fascism.
It 's a sad article in a thoughtful, but a strong moral conscience: When we see them pass into the tumultuous demonstrations or marches in the military ordered, - says Rosselli - if they have given to speak with them, we feel that we differ in some element. And there seems to be almost a bit 'strangers in this land, as part of a different civilization.
Our view of life is radically different.
Our ideals of goodness, brotherhood, justice, lead them in the rice, mockery. Why all this?
Rosselli points out that in this investigation does not want to mention that a single factor, the war, to explain the accession of the young people to Fascism: The greater part of those young people, who today is certainly more vital to the lifeblood of fascism, not saw the horrors of war.
The article ends with an act of hope in the name of their political faith, because socialism is immanent in things, in the heart of man.
E 'to say that the number of "Justice", the newspaper of Socialist Unity Party of 21 May 1924, was included a review of Carlo Rosselli, entitled "Marxist Review", volume Antonio Graziadei "Price and premium capitalist economy." Review
rather controversy began: A political movement in which young people dogmatically accept the position of their major intellectual, a political movement in which young people do not feel the overwhelming need to explore and develop personally, is a movement that starts at decline. The article promised
Piero Gobetti appears in Turin in July 1924 in the journal, entitled " social liberalism."
Taking his cue from some articles Papafava Novello and a panel discussion on "The liberalism of the masses," Rosselli says that when dealing with liberalism should be distinguished between the system (which defends private property, free) and the method that today is the concrete principle of popular sovereignty, in the representative system, in the affirmation of certain fundamental rights acquired inalienable to modern consciousness. Currently
says Rosselli, Italian liberals show no more understand the true spirit of liberalism that is in the method, the panorama of Italian liberalism does not give hope.
He's right when he says that Missiroli thus performing a function in the history of liberal parties extreme, those in the extreme, deny all or part of the current social order.: In fact, by denying any relationship between liberalism and claiming the masses as the first capital of elites, we declare the failure of liberal ideology: some more of the minority - the minority want to talk about history as the proletariat than the bourgeoisie - it is proposed to affirm life in the new social forces for the first step on and ignored? What greater role
liberal, liberating, than that which is concrete in the movement of trade unions, cooperatives, political parties that briefly called socialism? Then, are the minority groups still weak, needy for physiological reasons ed'autonomia atmosphere of freedom that guarantees their right to development, the true liberal forces. The story for this thesis.
On the other hand, according to Rosselli, even socialism is an ideal that is continually renewed contact with the reality that historical experience has condemned the primitive programs hopeless socialist collectivism, socialism, centralized state. All
- Rosselli points out - see the huge dangers of bureaucracy and government intrusiveness, the crushing of individual freedom. Only one can broadly define the goal, even a half a step. It should be adapting to the circumstances and particularly to a dizzying world that is constantly transforming.
com'esigenza ruling may be emphasized the capture of a relative economic autonomy and immediately after the conquest of moral goods, spiritual autonomy.
In general it should and could be a guide to the socialist ideal of autonomy and freedom. It must proceed from the bottom up. Socialism in all its aspects has to be the result of conquest, autoconquista nay, must be an independent creation of the working classes.
Just on the basis of similar assumptions, Rosselli feels to be regarded as a liberal socialist, and concludes that it is a kind of manifesto with a passionate anti-dogmatic statement of faith: I do not believe the demonstration of scientific socialism, I do not think they have the truth absolutely, I do not pretend to have pocketed the key the future. A socialist to a set of principles of experience, the belief is the study of the evolution of the environment in which I live, a socialist culture, as a reaction, but also out of faith and feeling. I do not believe that socialism will be the working class and that will establish itself in the history of the fatal evolution of things, apart from human will. Who do I talk about language Codest replied with Sorel, and here are all my voluntarism: "Socialism is but it might not be."
The dense essay marks a milestone in the evolution of political thought Rosselli.
At this point, however, one wonders what meaning have at that moment in history the socialist liberalism Rosselli and especially to which tradition can be traced. The references are more immediate, "Liberalism as a state of mind" by Alessandro Levi and a series of articles Papafava Novello appeared from May to August 1923 on "liberal revolution". Beyond the suggestions
closer, the origins of belief ross must be traced from one side to the "Unit" salveminiana, the other to the writings of Piero Gobetti and Guido De Ruggiero millsiana and tradition of British socialism, the Fabiani and gildisti.
This heterogeneous influences that the young assimilates in misura in cui corrispondono alle sue aspirazioni di un socialismo etico e volontaristico. Negli articoli e nei libri di quegli autori, Carlo cercava una sintesi ideale tra i suoi principi liberali ed il movimento operaio e socialista, una formula nuova che sostituisse non solo l’interpretazione positivista del marxismo fatta propria da Turati e da Treves ma anche le revisioni idealistiche di Marx.
Ora c’è da chiedersi fino a che punto, ed in quale misura, quella posizione fosse calata nella realtà politica, riflettesse esigenze capaci di influire sulla situazione.
Secondo Nicola Tranfaglia, l’analisi rosselliana sul liberalismo socialista non era frutto soltanto di una combinazione intellettualistica, ma rispondeva ad un’esigenza autentica di quel momento: che era quella di porre ai socialisti italiani il problema storico della democrazia. Ma la debolezza dell’elaborazione di Rosselli stava nella sua convinzione che quel problema potesse essere risolto facendo ricorso al pensiero neo liberale dei Missiroli o dei De Ruggiero oppure all’apporto, del tutto estraneo alle necessità storiche dell’Italia, del socialismo etico britannico. Partito insomma dalla premessa corretta di porre al centro della sua analisi il metodo liberale, Rosselli non riuscì a fare di quell’elemento la base per un discorso che andasse oltre il liberalismo etico e ponesse i presupposti di una democrazia socialista di tipo nuovo.

Protecting A Falling Egg

out of time?

Una nuova avventura per Rivoluzione Italian: I have brought with you to resist the attempt by Berlusconi impossesarsi the mark for the Liberal Party, to Einaudi and Malagodi to make it a trophy to hang on the fireplace of Berlusconi.
The purpose is obvious: to prevent a party reborn, the only one who has the power to offer a safe haven to all free and liberal Italian disappointed and even angered by the maggiordomocrazia and mignottocrazia.
It all started yesterday, but times are tight.
On 20 February there will be the Congress and should be out in force. Italian revolution is the new little mooring of liberal democracy and please join and give your contribution to intelligent and patriotic, as always.

ECCO what's cooking.
is about to take place in February, the Congress of the Italian Liberal Party, to Einaudi and Malagodi, which has never died and who has been hibernating.
The prestigious brand exists and has formed a new party on this expectation.
I tell you now that interests me and interests me because it is something new happening that worries me. What is this?

Two old friends, Arturo and Marco Taradash deacon, the first editor of the Review and the second a gallant radical former Member of excellent quality, they seem to have unfortunately received input from Silvio Berlusconi to enter the PLI, tie, gag and bring his head to the wall of trophies over the Berlusconi's desk.

Moreover, because two men certainly of great quality and totally Berlusconi would be sent with the blessing of the head to join a party that is not theirs?

The reason is obvious: it is about that operation the old Trotskyist called "entryism" joining another party and if they capture the majority, if it determines the political line, you anestetizzza, it kills and we make a stuffed cat.
In this way you do not risk more that can bite and preying on the political scene, relying on its values, its history and its identity.

What is the meaning of such a political mission Impossible?
is obvious: to prevent the PLI and reborn as an autonomous force that could annoy the new Frankenstein "Forza Italy / PDL" providing Italians liberals and disappointed the original product: namely, the Italian Liberal Party, the most ancient and glorious flag policy set that of the old Socialist Party of Treves, and Turati Matteottti.

Moreover, if the Liberals had no value and did not constitute a threat, why this interest?

Some of you will cry, but enough! We have done so much to clear the road of politics out of the way small parties and partitucoli, and now we start with the Liberal Party?

me say at once that il mio modello di politica e di coalizione è quella del GOP, Grand Old Party, ovvero il Partito repubblicano americano che, come è noto, non è un partito, ma una coalizione, una costellazione di partiti, movimenti, fondazioni, lobby, blogs.
In un tale tipo di coalizione un giovane e scattante Partito liberale ci sta benissimo e può raccogliere e rivitalizzare tutto ciò che il berlusconismo illiberale ha ammazzato.

Berlusconi in questi giorni ha piu' volte indicato la democrazia liberale e i suoi strumenti - Costituzione, Parlamento - come impacci, impicci, fastidi: i famosi “lacci e lacciuoli” di cui ha sempre parlato con fastidio e insofferenza.

Ora, io non avrei pensato a una thing if we were not faced with this initiative Berlusconi: Taradash and deacon candidates themselves - they are pure belusconiani PDL - as president and secretary of the Liberal Party.

Why? Because that party is the only mark a clear identity, history, renaissance, honest and secular that has the potential to overshadow what is left of Forza Italy rocks in the difficult merger with AN.

All Italian liberals who believed in a revolution "liberal" Berlusconi, me first, are disappointed and even bitter.

Instead of a liberal revolution had a seizure of power of Berlusconi centered on his only two hinges: mignottocrazia (not necessarily and not only sexual but also) and "maggiordomocrazia" redistribute power between families, secretaries, lawyers, home, cooks, gardeners, surgeons, butlers and chauffeurs.

Yesterday we made the announcement dle bill for compulsory education so that the people choose their candidate and did not find the usual suspects chosen by the palace.

I get calls from all over Italy for people who are fed up and asks to stay a different outlet for their ideals.

Well, something new is happening now matured in the last hours: the friends of the Liberal Party ask me if I am prepared to fight a battle with them resist this invasion and attempted kidnapping and to rescue the Liberal Party.

I replied that I will think, but they are already favorable: the time, however, are narrow and I tend to say "yes. It all happened yesterday during political conversations in now I can not give the Detail.

I made it a condition that can lead the brand in the Liberal Party and members wishing to do so the Italian revolution.

At this point I turn to you all. Who's

tell. Who is there, ditto.

The plan is to revive the Liberal Party, where he would present it to European security if not good chance of making at least one deputy.

Ma piu' che altro si tratterebbe di mettere in salvo la Tortuga delle donne e degli uomini liberi e fornir loro vascelli, armi democratiche e rivoluzionarie, speranza e bandiera.

In Parlamento si potrebbe pensare già di costituire un punto di raccordo per dare vita e spazio al dissenso in tutte le case, dal PDL al PD e riaprire la stagione abortita nel 1992 ai tempi dei referendari.
Vi dico anche che sono in costante contatto con Mario Segni e con i referendari.

Molto si muove e noi siamo sulla prora di un vascello agile, moderno, scattante, pieno di gente ribelle e dunque libera.

Una nuova pagina della Rivoluzione Italiana sta per aprirsi.

Chi ci sta, si prepari ad aderire, as a member of the Italian revolution, joining the new liberal party within the first week of February.

This would allow us to introduce in Congress to force the new party to be held around February 20.

It 's a great new adventure created for the event but also set up thanks to the estimate that we enjoy and the fact that this small seaport has become a mooring democracy.

Paolo Guzzanti (from>

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

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Beppe Grillo in the Senate Committee on Constitutional Affairs

POLICY The comedian was heard in the hearing by the Committee on Constitutional Affairs of the Senate bill for the popular initiative of convicted sull'ineleggibilità and the reintroduction of the preference Grillo against all, show the Senate.
The documents 'psycho-dwarf' and 'whores' "You have approved the immunity law to avoid jail Berlusconi now want to restrict the citizen's right to be informed. You are illegal, unconstitutional and undemocratic.
Dimettetevi soon as possible"

ROMA - Beppe Grillo arrives in parliament and the term 'psycho-dwarf', the comedian has used in many shows and rallies in the streets to define the prime minister Silvio Berlusconi, was cleared in the Senate and ends on the file. Along with the word 'bitches'.
As a representative of the initiators of the draft law of popular initiative sull'ineleggibilità of the condemned and the reintroduction of preference, Grillo has been heard in the hearing of the Senate Committee on Constitutional Affairs.

Beppe Grillo, in blue suit and white shirt and tie, he showed up on time before the senators.
"You're not used to hearing people from the show, and I'm not used to you," he once said, before starting to read a text very hard tones. "Today is approved - said - a law that restricts wiretapping and gagging information. I will, I presume, because I ordered the first civil disobedience.
The first thought of the 'psycho-dwarf' is not the country, but always and just do not get caught.
Avete approvato il lodo Alfano per evitare che Berlusconi finisse in galera, ora volete limitare il diritto del cittadino ad essere informato".

Secondo Grillo, però, "la marea sta montando, lo 'psiconano' può fare comizi ormai solo nelle piazze chiuse, in cui fa entrare come a Firenze, come a Prato, solo la sua claque.
Ha inventato la piazza chiusa, lo difendono la sua scorta e gli avvocati.
Gli sono rimasti quelli, insieme a uno stuolo di giornalisti definiti servi dalla stampa estera.
Gli italiani non stanno più con lui, e tantomeno con chi gli ha permesso, come Violante e Fassino, per 15 anni di superare ogni conflitto di interesse".

"E' veramente uno schifo - ha accusato The comedian - who among us, our representatives are convicted in first grade, second grade or suspects. Cuffaro as senators and senators are Dell'Utri for judicial merit ".

" This Commission, Parliament, have nothing to do - he continued - cricket with democracy.
Six people have decided the names of who was to become deputy and senator, chose 993 friends, lawyers and excuse the term, some slut. And
elected them.
We have elected them, not the citizens, who could not choose their representatives. "

" You are old and anti-historical. 20:18 you're reading the newspapers. You go from one side and the world goes the other, "replied Grillo the senators who asked him light on the law of popular initiative.
words of the comic that were not appreciated by Maria Teresa Consistent Democratic Party. "No I was not referring certain senator anagrafe.
You - added Grillo - I was briefed on 'Il Resto del Carlino' This is your symbol of being old, but I can tell on the net."

"This commission - the uproar that Grillo - this Parliament, have nothing to do with democracy.
Dear Members of the Commission are unlawful, unconstitutional and undemocratic. Out of respect for yourself and the Italians should resign as soon as possible .
Luigi De Magistris and Sonia Alfano two are elected by Italians for good citizens well. De Magistris had 450 000 votes, the second in Italy.
Ms. Alfano 165 000 votes, the first woman in Italy, no television and no newspapers.
Who went to the polls could be selected, because this should not be possible for the Italian Parliament? ".

" The parties have occupied democracy - yet accused Grillo - It 's time to take away the noise.
Politics is not a job, two terms are ten years, enough time to serve the country then return to their profession.
know that many MPs as double salary 'but goes beyond Ghedini' taking his salary as a lawyer and as a member of the Prime Minister. "

(June 10, 2009)


06/10/2009 22:03 Interception. Anm, ddl deadly
We encourage the worst offenders, then repealed altogether.
(ANSA) - ROMA, 10 June -
reform interceptions combined with the mark of the process in fact 'the death of criminal justice in Italy.
to rise up against the new rules and 'the National Magistrates' Association, which speaks of legislative choices 'which are a favorite subject of the worst offenders'. In particular, rules on wiretapping be impossible to identify those responsible for serious crimes.
It would be more 'serious and consistent repealed.

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give yourself a MOSSSA LEFT .....

Today at 17:16
"To say that an 'action is urgently needed politically or socially feasible is the first (and sometimes the only) defense of those who oppose change" (John Kenneth Galbraith: Good Company) "The left is

watch: the time of ideologies is over and now is the time of trial practice
The path to victory for the right has already begun: the number and percentage of defeat a dangerous enemy, the Right piduista, with its allies and former fascist Northern League, which is trampling all the fundamental principles upon which the Constitution of the Italian Republic, one and indivisible, that the left profess and defend. The rider, who gave to these elections the political value of a vote in his favor can no longer say that it was voted by the majority of Italians and you can continually challenge the truth. What is this: he is only a 'small minority' s electorate who vote because his face interessi.Lo same is true of the League, that despite the growth rate in many communities have lost a lot of consensus numbers.

It 's time to wake up because the Left a few thousand incompetent and corrupt politicians (right-center-left) and Public Administration (Northern, Central, Southern and Islands) to defend narrow interests or cliques that support them, are debasing the spirit of the Italians, making them lose the 'pride and the desire to belong to this blessed country country where Mother Nature has given all it takes to be the ideal home.
's high turnout is the confirmation. .

Someone, referring to 'the State Administration roughly speaking of Italy and Company would apply the policy in its methods of business administration: they are often the entrepreneurs (or their political cronies) that only a group of friends has more often saved from bankruptcy or homelands galere
Altri invece, correttamente, di Sistema Italia, ossia di un complesso geopolitico dinamico con una missione cui riferirsi per affrontare gli innumerevoli problemi interdipendenti da risolvere per riportare l’Italia nel novero delle Nazioni sviluppate del 1° mondo.

La soluzione dei problemi politico-sociali , dai più semplici ai più complessi, è insita nella chiara e completa presa di coscienza di essi, nell’ analisi razionale dei fattori che li configurano, nella corretta valutazione dell’ incidenza e influenza di ciascuno di essi sia nei rapporti reciproci sia nella/e soluzione/i efficiente/i.

Ecco, di seguito, cosa è necessario:

Primo: prendere preventivamente coscienza di cosa è il Sistema Italia. nel contesto geopolitico europeo e mondiale attuale e, per quanto possibile, del prossimo futuro e, quindi, quali missioni deve perseguire. E’ un paese culturalmente avanzato? quali punte d’ eccellenza e carenze possiede? E’ un paese industriale d’ avanguardia o un paese ad alta densità di servizi di elevato livello o un paese ad economia mista ? e in ogni caso cosa privilegiare e con quali proporzioni?

Secondo: ricercare le cause che non consentono a questo Sistema di essere effettivamente efficiente. E’ adeguata la sua struttura politico amministrativa in relazione all’ efficienza richiesta dall’ attuale contesto politico europeo e mondiale? An 'analysis of' administrative inefficiency of the political machine leads us to see how it is the fundamental cause of 'excessive spending, the abyss of debt, of' over-bureaucratization of the decisions at any level. The solution is not federalism but a strong centralism with the reduction in the number of regions at 10-12 (something he finds them in a study of the Agnelli Foundation in 1990),

's elimination of one of two peripheral administrative levels ( Povince? municipalities?), the 'consolidation of small municipalities in larger demographic realities and administrative decentralization (as envisaged by the Constitution) according to rules of PPBS (planning-programming-budjeting system). In other words: a-state branches
program guidelines general government policy;
b-regions, noted the need peripherals and the center needs in order of priority;
c-state funds allocated to each region according to need and availability and relevance with the guidelines.

Third, adjust the system of networks, the 'central structure of which should be planned, funded and controlled centrally while at the periphery (regions) should be entrusted with the fleshing out of it according to coordinated central directives in the context of the Italian system.

Fourth harmonize the system responsible for correcting the security 'over-dispersion of the forces in too many institutions involved in it and currently employees simultaneously by multiple ministries rather than a' single responsible institution.

Fifth, make the tax system fairer.

Sixth, more efficient welfare.

Seventh really address the economic crisis with: a-

Immediate measures:

- It is necessary to increase the 'purchasing power of the masses with an increase in lower wages and a parallel reduction in the tax on them and control consumer prices and tariffs (to avoid the 'increase of' inflation). Where to get the funds? For public employees, employees of private businesses and pensioners' increased tax revenues due to 'inflation and a tighter control of' evasion and of 'tax avoidance, for self-employed in a' proper recalculation of charges and deductions.
- You do not need to reduce public employment or contracting public expenditure (of any reduction in 'employment and public spending have recessionary effects) but make them more efficient. This requires ristrutturatone of Government or public activities, heading for virtuous purposes in line with what should be the national economic policy The funds: those provided by 'in the current financial fields' interest.
- is necessary to support businesses, whatever their size, financial measures with a view to their development within the framework of 'organizational and product innovation, noting that large companies with an efficient public administration are the wealth of a nation , while medium and small are the mirror.

b-Planned measures

- You must turn on a powerful and convincing public works program aimed at strengthening the system of networks, in 'field of an address intended to develop the country as a unitary system that is ideally located in the Mediterranean is from the geopolitical point of view both climatic and environmental and historical-cultural and industrial. Funds? They can be public (if necessary, sell the family jewels) and private and their sufficiency will depend on the clarity of the program and the exciting drive to 'investment resulting in a compelling work of communication and persuasion.
- It 's necessary for an effective reform of the shape of the state (as mentioned above), a reduction of the Regions, with the' application of PPBS (planning-programming-budgeting system) in the formulation of economic policy

is waiting for comments and criticisms, I will stop here.

White Particles In Urine Sample


the Lodo Alfano and slipping out of Papin .....

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The reasons for the decline in an essay by Ernst Hillebrand, a student of "Stitfung Ebert (SPD), published by the British magazine Prospect

Ernst Hillebrand, Prospect, March 2008,

The center-left parties in Western Europe are en route. In recent years, lost power in several countries, even those where they had governato relativamente bene. Il centro-sinistra rischia seriamente di perdere in Italia (come poi è effettivamente successo, ndt) ed è in netta difficoltà in Gran Bretagna. Quattro delle cinque nazioni nordiche, le patrie della socialdemocrazia per eccellenza, hanno ora governi conservatori. La tedesca Spd è al governo come junior partner della coalizione di Angela Merkel, ma è insidiata alla propria sinistra da una nuova formazione; in Francia, i socialisti sono in crisi. Siamo di fronte ad una normale oscillazione del pendolo dell’alternanza o a qualcosa di più profondo, e grave, per il centro-sinistra europeo?

E’ azzardato trarre conclusioni generalizzate dall’esperienza di ogni singolo Paese. However, one point seems clear. The ongoing developments signal the end of a political cycle-ideological centrist project, known as the Third Way in Britain and Germany as the Neue Mitte, has reached its conclusion. It was detailed especially in Britain, borrowing ideas from Clinton, but has had some influence in Europe.
A project that has allowed the center-left to apply for accreditation as a political force in Europe in the second half of the nineties. The expectations of voters and the global economic and political conditions had changed significantly since the mid-eighties and the center-left forces have proved able to intercept the new mood. The various facets of the project had in common a few key points: a combination of economic and fiscal policies neo-liberal, stressed the centrality of the role of the state, exemplified especially in welfare systems and insistence on a cultural conception of liberal- progressive that would witness the continuation of a vision of bottom-oriented "progress." The reforms of the labor market and the reorganization of the welfare state was accompanied by the acceptance of rules imposed by the European Union in terms of deregulation and competition (in some countries in the nineties were a period of privatization). The center-left forces presented themselves as competent, middle-class managers of the new capitalism. Simultaneously, a large weight was assigned to education, a new social reform instead of redistributive fiscal policies. The idea was that investing in education would have been possible, over time, to respond effectively to issues of social justice, employment and competitiveness.

Since the mid nineties onwards, this strategy has allowed the center-left in Europe to win and to govern more or less effectively. Today, however, the liberal appeal is dwindling, as many issues have assumed a degree of complexity is too high to be resolved according to the technocratic recipes. Consider just a few examples:
el'europeizzazione globalization have negatively impacted on the economic situation of European workers. The governments of the Third Way have done little to change this state of affairs. The proportionate share of wages and salaries compared to the total wealth produced by a country in the EU has declined over the last twenty five years, having increased from 72.1 to 68.4% of the total. In parallel, the share of those employed increased from 61.2% in the mid-nineties to 64.5 today. This means that a larger number of workers have to share a relatively less conspicuous wealth. The value of the Gini index, which indicates the income inequality, has grown in most of Western Europe since the eighties. Consequently, the promise of technocratic reformers, who set out to protect the positions of the "ordinary citizen" better than any other party, has lost credibility.
At the same time, the main center-left parties in continental Europe have not kept their promise to build a more integrated economic and social space in the heart of the Old Continent. An area which should have been granted just citizens. The result is that today are swelling the ranks of the euro-skeptics, and not only in the Netherlands or France, where the referendum was rejected the first draft Constitutional Treaty Ue. Non siamo di fronte ad una risposta irrazionale: se l’Unione Europea ha creato una vasta area di pace e stabilità politica, ha invece fallito nel promuovere la crescita economica e non ha evitato l’aumento della disoccupazione.

La promessa “rivoluzione educativa” non può considerarsi certamente soddisfacente. La disoccupazione giovanile in Europa si attesta al 18.7%. Non ci sono stati progressi per quanto riguarda la mobilità sociale ed il tasso di scolarizzazione, riferito alla scuola superiore, non ha registrato significativi passi avanti nell’ultimo ventennio. Nel frattempo, l’inadeguato finanziamento degli alti gradi dell’istruzione ha inciso negativamente sulla qualità dei titoli degree achieved by reducing the marketability in the job market. Contrary to the technocratic rhetoric on high educational standards and the acquisition of skills, the majority of new jobs created does not cover certain sectors of the economy most qualified services. And it seems that the trend will change soon: the British government estimated that eighty percent of new jobs to be created by 2010, does not require possession of a university degree.

Meanwhile, new challenges have emerged which have found the center-left unprepared. First of all, immigration. Multiculturalism, the answer given by the progressive increase of migration in Europe, has proved inadequate. It has led to fragmented society, dotted ghettos inhabited by minorities, marginalized, and a resulting mix of frustration and mutual resentment between indigenous peoples and immigrants. Analysis that we can apply mainly to the people of Muslim culture, especially the second and third generation immigrants, who often experience a feeling of hostility towards Western societies, state of mind rather unknown to their parents, uncles and grandparents . For a long time the left has rejected a debate on the subject. Now, immigration is the issue with respect to which there is more distance between the center-left parties and the views expressed by reference to their traditional electorate.

passive posture taken by the left with its technocratic reform project, a social democratic version of Tina (there is no alternative, there is no alternative to globalization, ndt) Margaret Thatcher, can not satisfy the majority of the population, State expects a more proactive role. A request that displaces the New Left. In many countries, is becoming a new wave of nationalism, difficult to reconcile with the pro-European rhetoric and globalization of the establishment of the center-left.
There are clear signs of a creeping change in value systems delle società europee, che i progressisti semplicemente non riescono a cogliere. In alcuni Paesi lo zeitgeist, lo spirito dei tempi, sembra permeato, ancora una volta, di conservatorismo: i sondaggi indicano uno slittamento delle opinioni pubbliche verso i valori tradizionali. Il liberalismo socio-culturale ed il relativismo valoriale che hanno caratterizzato le “edonistiche” società occidentali nelle ultime decadi (e che i governi di centro-sinistra hanno esibito orgogliosamente come marchi della loro azione riformatrice) vengono ormai considerati inefficaci e disfunzionali. L’umore generale è stato invece colto dalla destra: Nicolas Sarkozy ha speso parte della sua vittoriosa campagna presidenziale a fare i conti con l’eredità del sessantotto; negli Stati Uniti, i Repubblicani hanno costruito le loro affermazioni nelle elezioni del 2000 e del 2004 sul recupero dei “valori.”

Il risultato di queste problematiche e contraddizioni è stato che quasi ovunque i Partiti di centro-sinistra si sono alienati il consenso di una quota significativa della loro base elettorale, poiché hanno smesso di parlare un linguaggio da essa comprensibile e non ha più condiviso le sue preoccupazioni. Le forze di centro-sinistra sono organizzativamente assenti dalle aree più problematiche delle città europee. Questo spazio lasciato vuoto è stato occupato con successo dai movimenti populistici della nuova destra e, in alcuni casi (come la Germania), dalle forze della New Left. Parties who prove that they deal with daily problems of people, which the major formations, especially those on the left, seem to have forgotten to do. The right-wing populist movements so they get good results in France, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Belgium and the Netherlands. It 's true, their fortunes are often alternate: the Front National is not able for example to repeat the success of last year's French presidential elections 2002. But the overall consensus of the extreme right is more widespread today than in the sixties and seventies.
The center-left appears lost in front of the decline of their technocratic planning. During a study conducted by the Foundation Jean Jaures, a French resident in bainleus said: "We are not the apolitical, rather it is the politicians who are becoming more apathetic."

The center-left needs a renewed political and ideological project that allows him to return to win. To use an ancient language, must be able to move "far left" on issues of social justice (without falling back into old-statism of the seventies) and more "right" on issues relating to culture and identity. What is needed is a discourse that confines itself to meet the ambitions of the people, one of the strengths of the Third Way, but that also takes account of his fears and uncertainties. A political speech to end the implicit stigmatization of certain groups, "the losers of globalization", "the defenders of vested interests," and recognizing that the decline of manual labor and the working class gave the marginalization of a significant minority population.
If the center-left wants to win again is closer to real life people. Must have the pragmatism to transcend its post-modern values \u200b\u200band post-national and instead give priority to the interests of the citizens who live in the flesh this (with their cultural background and their beliefs). Over the last hundred years the nation state has been the main instrument through which the left has pursued its political and social objectives, an instrument that has yet to find replacements. Many people hope that the nation state to act as the protector, and agent, and globalization.

The center-left must show the will to act even in the best interests of his constituents. In recent years, progressives have an interest limited to the 'soft' policy in the name of a liberal interpretation of individual rights and claims of various social groups, and have neglected the "hard politics", as if the issues escape from the economic and fiscal perimetro degli interessi della sinistra. In società caratterizzate dalla crescente disuguaglianza e dalla ridotta mobilità sociale, soprattutto per le classi medie e medio-basse, dipendenti dai sistemi di welfare, l’attuale fase di stallo non può continuare. (A tal proposito, è significativo che Roger Liddle, alleato di uno dei fondatori stessi del New Labour, Peter Mandelson, si sia recentemente espresso contro l’ineguaglianza. Mandelson, a metà degli anni novanta aveva auspicato che il New Labour smettesse di guardare con sospetto a coloro che si fossero arricchiti. Liddle, in un suo recente paper per il think tank Policy Network, ha proposto di istituire una commissione per monitorare i redditi più elevati ed una riforma of the taxation of inheritance and investment income.)

At the same time, you need to brush up a serious discussion related to the quality of life in the long run, which is not only environmental sustainability. The rapidity of social and economic changes, photographed by Zygmunt Bauman with the concept of liquid modernity, anxiety-induced feelings of uncertainty, even in the traditional middle class. E 'equally clear that a substantial portion of the populations of Western Europe the economic issue can be considered, for now at least, solved. So, too much emphasis on economic growth, unaccompanied by adequate attention to the quality of lifestyles and value of work / leisure, is likely to exert little attraction for the above groups. This means that, in his search for a new narrative, the left should avoid developing too negative an analysis of changes in recent years and their consequences for society and people's lives, after all, the new search next partners and among the winners among the losers of globalization.

As if the dilemmas were not enough, the left is facing another challenge: too right it is modernizing. It recently said goodbye, at least at the rhetorical level, neoliberal orthodoxy, groped to regain the center of the political space. This repositioning appears to be an implicit recognition of the success of the center-left nell'impiantare some of their own political project in Western societies. The "neo-centrism" of right-wing forces is apparent in various forms in various areas: in the U.S., the center features the race, at least on domestic issues, the presidential campaign of Republican candidate John McCain. Sweden's Fredrik Reinfeldt Conservatives have failed to defeat in 2006, the competent and experienced Social Democratic elite thanks to the promise to maintain the benefits of the Scandinavian welfare state. La Cdu tedesca ha mitigato alcune delle riforme del mercato del lavoro promosse dalla precedente maggioranza, guidata dall’Spd. In Gran Bretagna, il Partito Conservatore, sotto la guida di David Cameron, ha compiuto una decisa virata verso il centro. Cameron ha dichiarato la sua approvazione per gli investimenti nei servizi pubblici decisi dal governo laburista ed ha condiviso l’obbiettivo di ridurre la povertà infantile. Inoltre, ha corretto l’immagine “cattiva” dei Tories, assumendo una posizione favorevole rispetto alla causa ambientalista, al matrimonio tra omosessuali e in ordine ad altre questioni. In Francia, Nicolas Sarkozy ha condotto una campagna presidenziale attenta alla dignità del lavoro ed alla laicità della Republic, not forgetting to pay homage to some sacred figures of the French left as Jean Jaures and Victor Hugo. The strategy adopted by this conservatism is not to challenge the soft goals that the left proposes (a certain level of welfare and social solidarity, the right to education and respect for minorities) rather than the proposed means to achieve them.

The State, it is argued, is not the appropriate instrument for achieving those goals because it is too expensive and cumbersome. Better to resort to the market, private initiatives, voluntary efforts. It looks like the conservative version of the slogan with which the SPD challenged Helmut Kohl in 1998: "We do not intend change everything, we just want to improve much of what has been done. "Such a strategic approach proves fruitful for the conservatism of the past, especially in a country like Britain, where there is a remarkable convergence of values \u200b\u200bamong voters of different policy guidelines, at least in the economic and social issues. The authors of the research, 2007-08 British Social Attitudes, observe that in the eighties there was a sharp contrast between the Tory and Labour voters. Opposition that has now been reduced significantly.

The counter-offensive of the center-left will have to necessarily focus on several fronts, but the role of the state is an unavoidable issue. If there is a difference between New Left and New Right, it affects the vision of the role that the state will have in the future in the delivery of social services, the provision of public goods and creating opportunities for individual and collective unequal society. In a period of uncertainty, the idea of \u200b\u200ba strong and effective should theoretically appear more attractive to a system in which the provision of public goods would be delegated to the charity or commercial sector. But we are talking about a state that is shown before receptive to citizens' demands and that is refractory to innovation in service delivery, the old bureaucratic apparatus inert public not allow certain consents to the left to recover.

After Mitterrand Era, Lionel Jospin gave a list of the achievements of the French left. E 'urgent that the European left is devoted to such an operation in relation to the reforms developed in recent decades under his technocratic project. We must determine what to keep and what to discard as ineffective and decrepit. It 'time, again, a serious exercise in revisionism.

(translation by Fabio Lucchini)

Ernst Hillebrand is a political scientist. E 'director of the Paris office of the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, the largest and oldest German partisan foundation which has close links with the Social Democratic Party (SPD)

Date: 2009-06-08

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Fallen in battle Luigi Pintor

I feel a great deal of difficulty writing of Enrico Berlinguer.
's not just sadness.
hear what happened as a political tragedy.
It is as if this man of integrity, which I have always felt an instinctive friendship reciprocated somehow I felt, had fallen victim to too much effort.
Fallen in battle is a nasty rhetorical expression, eppure è così. Come segretario del Partito comunista, ma io credo anche come persona, come coscienza politica e morale, Berlinguer aveva avvertito che la democrazia italiana sta correndo grandi rischi, che molti valori essenziali che abbiamo cercato di affermare nella società nazionale in questi decenni sono stati minacciati.
E ha trovato, negli ultimi tempi, lui per sua natura così prudente, accenti estremi per esprimere questo convincimento, e suscitare energie capaci di rovesciare l’andamento delle cose.
È tragico, e sembra quasi un ammonimento per noi, che si sia spezzato sotto questa tensione.
Egli appartiene a una generazione che, incontrandosi con il movimento operaio negli anni della seconda guerra mondiale, did much more than a political choice as it can be understood today, he identified with a cause and made an ideal way of being.
If it was not easy for anyone, in recent decades, withstand the storms that have hit the communist universe without getting lost and confused, what should be the side of intelligence and sensitivity to one that has become a leader without realizing it?
Shy and frail, are two definitions of Berlinguer you read the newspapers today and easily associate with his image and yet it has helped millions of people to orient themselves in a fight that has become increasingly difficult.
Based on the Unity of the June 13, 1984 June 10, 2009

Giovanni Di Fronzo at 12:42 on 12 June
Berlinguer's story .. is made of ups and downs.
However it is still one of the best politicians in history and the Republic.
Especially in the 'latter part of his life he gave her best and traced a path that was never followed it was then in fact, that after the disagreements of the seventies, he went into greater connection with the movement and gave a face conflict the party in social work (remember his pickets at Mirafiori).
E 'exactly there, and not by the government, which must start now the' work of the radical left: social conflict!
In the same year, he had the vision of 'see the 'agony of democrazioa and to make the moral question a political issue.
Everything is so terribly true today!
He died on the most beautiful, with dire effects for the left and the Italian democracy, effects that are unfolding today.