Sunday, May 11, 2008

Kingston Micro Sd Fix

Agriculture tries to shake off from the cliché of "social weight"


Knowing and taking care of

Montalbano Jonico- “L’agricoltura non è un peso sociale ma rappresenta una soluzione ai problemi sociali perché consente l’inserimento di soggetti che la società “economica” ripudia e che invece l’agricoltura valorizza” –Così Franco Malaspina, patron della manifestazione, ha aperto i lavori del convegno “la fattoria sociale: conoscere e prendersi cura dell’altro” che si è svolto nei giorni scorsi a Montalbano jonico alla presenza di numerosi operatori socio-sanitari e cooperative sociali della Basilicata e anche venute da fuori regione. Il convegno organizzato nell’ambito della primavera biologica- manifestazione promossa dall’Associazione Italian organic farming with the participation of Anna Ciaperoni, National AIAB "biofattorie social, Alfonso Pascale, national president of" the social network of farms, "Terenzio Bove, President AIAB Basilicata, Gaetano Fierro, Regional Councillor, Raffaele Soave Councillor Province of Potenza, Pine apple representing the FTA, administrators of the town of Montalbano Jonico well as teachers and school managers from some 'from across the region. Terence Bove, president of Regional AIAB moderate work. In his speech he stressed the importance of and full cooperation in this matter. Alfonso Pascale opened the discussion by confirming the importance of agriculture to tackle the social problems, emphasizing the beauty of the region and the people who live there, as he tied himself. "L 'agriculture as a social- by Ciaperoni- is the activity that uses the resources of agriculture and livestock activities to promote healing, rehabilitation, social inclusion and employment of recreation and education. The social farming must be seen especially in view of inclusion of patients with discomfort in which agriculture will certainly not notice the difference because Agriculture has always found space and is available to lend to them again and again to those who unfortunately are less fortunate than others. to heat the large audience the interevento Anna Maria Andretta association into the light of Grumento Nova which he remarked how much it is often forgotten people who need and stressed the difficulties to be uncomfortable for a quote in society, so if you already have a normal person can have his own problems let alone a person "different": what better place than the country with its quiet, its perfumes and its cycles and all that ......... around him? He concluded his speech by giving note that the region has done its utmost in recent years for women's inclusion . While the group has found that at the planning stage of operations is considered very important the involvement of stakeholders most representative in the territory during the course of implementation of integrated projects and through the identification and development of techniques and tools aimed at strengthening the participation and consultation in the development of land identified in the above municipalities. A more voices argued that it is local authorities, in Basilicata over 80% of the municipalities does not exceed 3000 inhabitants, we must begin to build a support network to support the implementation of social projects and the provision of information through the development of application cooperation (interconnection between public administrations for the exchange of information) focusing on ' interoperability of information systems present in the institutions involved. In other words, develop the local integration of social and health policies through harmonization and improvement of internal communication between local institutional actors, and external users against local implementation of a plan for families and information for subjects institutions in the area on the activities of agriculture and access to social services. During the event was celebrated the "baptism" of a reality, that of Farm Organic learning and social environment. Lorena Popesso, collaborator of the Friuli, referent of the project "The social teaching farm Contrada San Nicola" has brought his experience in Lucania Friulian bringing out that agriculture is the solution of social problems by bringing specific examples , pointing out that not only the different experiences help to get under way but that the will, desire, cooperation and l'unione delle forze portano alla conclusione di un progetto Il tutto si è concluso con degustazione di prodotti tipici biologici dei soci produttori dell’AIAB nell’ambito del progetto “biologico di Qualità per tutti”. (AIAB Basilicata)


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