Friday, October 31, 2008

Stomach Flu Going Around


will not go into the merits of the procedures that led to the decision of Environment Minister, Stefania Prestigiacomo, to appoint the special commissioner Park but express my deep satisfaction for the simple fact that this possa farci sperare che il neonato parco inizi a fare i primi passi e a dare delle risposte ad un territorio fortemente martoriato dalla presenza delle ben note estrazioni petrolifere. Ad affermarlo in un comunicato stampa il presidente dell’Associazione Italiana agricoltura biologica di Basilicata. Terenzio Bove. “Un parco d’importanza nazionale – continua Bove- è un processo democratico e partecipativo che richiede diversi anni ed è strutturato a tappe segnando inevitabilmente l 'inizio di una nuova evoluzione dell'ecosistema e delle caratteristiche socio-economiche legate al territorio interessato. Pertanto nella logica della concertazione con chi sul territorio ci vive, ci lavora, produce and raise the overall image of the territory itself seems to me imperative that immediately there is a constructive to analyze the limits and perspectives and develop strategies that will enable the park to give the first steps under the best auspices. I recall - continues Bove - who between productive activities, agriculture, and particularly those conducted with organic methods, now has a major role in environmental conservation, natural resources and the maintenance of biodiversity in Italy is so rich. In areas located in mountainous areas and / or disadvantaged in our view, the agricultural activity conducted with organic methods, represents an essential element for keeping alive the social, economic and cultural-historical human communities themselves established. We believe that the answers to solving some problems that afflict our region will not be slow to arrive and inevitably refute the "theories" of someone who always emphatically argued that the agreements on oil were a great deal for the region Basilicata making available considerable financial resources on which to base new development policies "but that many people wonder if anything has arrived, where he is gone. Then they face soon to disprove those who say that the management of the Park will be "frozen" for several more years, to the benefit of the so-called "energy park," touted by the Mattei Foundation with support from the same region and to prevent our citizens from this territory to assist the continuing ravages committed the territory by the duopoly-Total Eni becoming more and more master of the territory. "I remember that one of the most critical of the current condition of the park is the total lack of the organs of the park and planning tools of the park, key elements of the national park system and the functions and purposes of the Public Park. In the words of Solomon: "Starting a quarrel is like opening a dam, before we exacerbate the dispute, truncal "a few words to the wise! so who cares about the park is put to work tomorrow! I not only wish to the Commissioner a fruitful and peaceful work.


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