Wednesday, February 11, 2009

How To Congratulate To A New Baby

Non sono babbo Natale

Oh oh oh! Ok non sono babbo Natale ma sono contento quanto lui cmq.
Quinto giorno in thailandia, e forse con oggi cominciamo a fare il
nostro giro sul serio. Le prime due notti le abbiamo passte a phuket,
isola a sud caratterizzata da turisti turisti turisti. E'
praticamente una lignano solo dall'altra parte del mondo; decidiamo di saltare
the beach at the foot 'peers (who wants to go to the beach at Lignano
in July?) And go to visit the city, and' more of a
little town where the economy revolves solely around this strange
people keep asking stupid things but spends its money.
the true center has a few shops that are generally for the premises and is therefore
'pestered by taxi drivers in a nicely aggressive
give you a lift to the market or to see the Great Buddha (I
and' what is missed because the Lonely Planet does not mention it, but
think it's a sort of disguised antenna).
learn to decline the offer and we venture on foot all day,
morning and afternoon in Phuket Town to Patong (the true lignite), then between
cocktails in the local harley scooter and ride the day ends in
quickly. the room we booked and 'small but has everything
what we need, pity only that the air conditioning in the face terrible mess.
2 days after our arrival we set off for the trip to Phi Phi Island,
half-hour bus and ferry 2 hours enough for us to get to paradise, white beaches and a seaside postcard
shame that the whole world to know and is already here. One of the two islands '
the place where they filmed the beach and posters of Leonardo DiCaprio
are everywhere, and probably' the only country where memories
that movie.
Even here it seems to be a lignan especially because the number of Italian and
'remarkable, however, we find a place on the beach

not too crowded and stays there. The second day we embark
for a tour of both islands with snorkeling and lunch at the beach;
the fish we see are incredible and the monkeys on the beach free
are quite funny, we keep crossing until sunset and then
destroyed home. The third day, tired of not having air conditioning
, Shitter It is no thing but without the mosquitoes
tenfold in number, we change the hotel and spent the whole day to pendants
pool (the beach). For that food-related
are pretty good, carefully avoiding the tourist places
preferring instead to makeshift markets and restaurants, usually the
our criterion of choice follows the idea that the more 'spartan
more' real, in fact there found to eat with the locals
without receiving any form of menus and dishes often peppers
but cheap and very good. Anyway

tourists to this country and part of 'great, now we return to Phuket
(I'm writing from the ferry) and from there we move north towards Prachuap
, probably the last city on the coast for a long time
, should be less travel, we'll see ...


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