Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Restoring An Old Hutch

Haidi Giuliani

"Today I feel the need for an organized party and be part of"
Gaggio in Adelaide Cristina Giuliani that Haidi (Sant'Ambrogio di Valpolicella, May 11, 1944) is an Italian politics. Becomes a public figure after the murder of his son Carlo Giuliani in Genoa during the G8 summit in 2001.

Berlusconi-Sarkozy summit.

Agreement Emma Bonino on nuclear power (Pr):

"and now who pays?"
(24.02.2009 21:08) to repeat this criterion in recent months, all politics, is not expedient to Italy.

And this not for ideological reasons but simply because they worked more than twenty billion € for a power generation complex in the Italian needs, not just electric, it can not represent more than 5% of the total cost is not expedient to our country, even taking into account the costs of decommissioning. Okay

the policy of "do", but do not do to: the costs are high, the long and the benefits are extremely low.

no coincidence that so very different are moving elsewhere, starting with the United States.

Also, I'd like to know chi paga, chi pagherà i costi finali di quest'operazione, che magari vedrà all'opera l'ennesima "cordata italiana" protetta e garantita dalla mano pubblica.

Chi pagherà, temo siano i soliti contribuenti.

Intanto a Parigi si stappa champagne": ironizza Emma Bonino.


24 Febbraio 2009
Scorro in internet la rassegna stampa: la Palestina non si trova più nelle prime pagine dei grandi giornali, tra le notizie importanti.
Nessuna sorpresa: altre popolazioni martoriate non ci sono addirittura mai arrivate. Quasi per caso nella vecchia posta ritrovo alcune foto scattate a Tulkarem, tre anni fa, when I went to watch the elections with boys and girls of the Young Communist League and we are in a group, smiling, someone holds the raised arm, his hand tight in a fist, a gesture of identity?

Much has happened in the past three years, the Social forum, which was our hope, born of the spirit of Genoa in 2001, have mostly melted like snow in the sun, some of those guys have gone "beyond", where I can not understand, and what is worse, I fear it is not clear even to themselves.

We are facing a serious economic crisis the result of twenty years of neoliberal policies that have precarious jobs, cut wages and increase the wealth of thieves and fraudsters. The factories are closing; workers continue to die.

There is no security for them.
likely to disappear the national labor contract, collective guarantees disappear ie wages and rights, won through many years of struggles. In return, reappear batons against the workers, Pomigliano, dell'Innse against workers in Milan.
There is no security for those who defend their territory, their children's lives: hard-line law enforcement against the No dal Molin in Vicenza, a city of art with military curfews. As in the Susa Valley, allegedly with the power to manage the peaceful protest of the inhabitants.
But the "great information" does not mention it. There
safe even for women in the streets of our cities and especially in the home, because there will certainly be more repressive laws, to defend them, but a more widespread culture, greater attention to the problems of individuals, greater participation in urban life.
"cult Ser es libre de ser el único way," recalled José Martí in the nineteenth century, but here the culture is humiliated every day, the impoverished public school: it is better not to raise young people able to think for themselves because they could a someday become truly free men and women. There is no longer even hope to die peacefully. In

return back to the racial laws.

witnessing daily coups against justice and civility: doctors turned into spies against the sick poor, so poor that they even have a document notarized patrols, investigate the affairs of lorsignori prohibited.
ordinary laws are voted in Parliament that the Constitution meaningless.
In this scenario the opposition sometimes chirps with the majority, sometimes stutters, what was once the social block of the left is crumbling.

And then I heard, I feel the need for an organized party, and part of it.
A party with clear ideas. Who knows his or her roots and knows even recognize their own mistakes; determined to be always on the side of those most vulnerable, exploited, robbed of their rights violated in body and in life. I want to be able to discuss in an organization with strong in-house and then declare openly what they think and work to achieve the objectives identified, able to intervene where it opens a conflict, and that when he decides to stand alongside large spontaneous movements , as small businesses, then do not abandon them; also able to expose the contradictions and to create new conflicts.
I want a party determined to awaken consciences, always willing to confront and work with other organizations, whenever you can, without bias, but no failure: a party with clear ideas, of course.

And I want my party to face the teacher and the school know.
must know before you listen to all boys and girls, do not promise easy political careers but by teaching both the theory as a rigorous daily practice.
it is true that many young people are disgusted by politics and think that it is worthwhile to act in a society like ours, but we must be able to demonstrate, as they say the Mothers of Argentina, who lost the only battle is the one who abandons .
We will succeed if we can be honest, if we put aside personalities, leaders ...

not climb a mountain, no one wins the top by yourself: you win all together, each with its own backpack, with its cargo of riches and error, but together.


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