Monday, February 23, 2009

Is It Dangerous To Use A Treadmill Upstairs

chiacchierata pubblica

Note Michele Finizio Yesterday at 20:45
now talk about politics everywhere.
the hairdresser, while comments from the day before the game, here is the bystander who intervenes to turn that throws in politics.
While you're at the bar, and discuss the last party of the country, comes the sacristan who throws insults at the council guilty of not granting a decent funding.
Al cinema, lo spettatore seduto al tuo fianco commenta la scena di guerra e ribadisce che il governo sbaglia politica estera mantenendo i soldati in Afganistan. Tutti esperti di politica.
Il mio fruttivendolo insiste col dire che la prima regola in politica e’ di non credere mai ad una notizia prima che non sia stata ufficialmente smentita. So che non e’ farina del suo sacco, ma e’ un aforisma di Anthony Jav.
Sara’ sbagliato, ma credo che gli uomini migliori per governare un paese, sono tutti impegnati a fare i fruttivendoli o i macellai, o i parrucchieri, peccato. Persone giuste al posto sbagliato.
Ieri, un pensionato, mi racconta, in sala d’attesa dal medico, la sua sintesi storica su tangentopoli. Prima della rivoluzione giudiziaria tra il dire e il fare c’era una busta da dare.
Oggi tra il dire e il fare c’e’ di nuovo di mezzo il mare. Sintesi colorita. Non mi resta che affidarmi a Oscar Wilde.
Adoro i partiti politici: sono gli unici luoghi rimasti dove la gente non parla di politica.

Anna Santoriello alle 21.04 del 23 febbraio
Io veramente al bar sento parlare di Kaka, dal parrucchiere di diete e gossip, dal fruttivendolo di quanto sono care le zucchine, dal macellaio di come cucinare un pollo......
So che nessuno parla più di politica, quella che intendo io e forse tu, quella dello spirito di servizio, di impegni precisi, di programmi elettorali.
Maria Rosaria Mazzella alle 21.17 February 23
It speaks so much .. maybe because people are thirsty for real politics .. But the real political needs of real men, or "men of gold" (Plato docet!) who know how to give voice to the thoughts of greengrocers, butchers, etc.. with an orientation to overcome for the common good, with one foot in the abyss of the weakest and the other in the dream of a new world ..

Antonio Ruggiero at 21:39 on February 23, Michele
not believe Oscar was a misogynist.
If a man does exactly what a woman's expected of him, she did not think much will it should always do what's waiting for a woman and say what she can not understand ... Oscar Wilde
It 's true that many Instead of talking about a little 'of politics, but also a bit' of everything ... and many are sessossessi.

Michele Finizio at 21.40 on February 23
@ Anna, my note is a provocative as ever. And 'the bar is easier than talking about kaka rather than policy.

@ Maria Rosaria thank you for what your "one foot in the abyss of the weakest and the other in the dream of a new world." Beautiful

Michele Finizio at 21:43 on February 23, @
Antonio, Oscar was misogynistic?

Antonio Ruggiero at 21:44 on 23 February
So they say ... it seems that he hated women ...

Daniela Mugelli at 21:53 on 23 February
will 'that he hated but said' let the beautiful women to men without imagination '. I (perhaps in my utter madness) I've always seen as a declaration of love for women ... even though he preferred men

Michele Finizio at 22.00 on February 23
@ @ @ Daniela
A perfect example of hijacking the topic :-)) I still permits a diversion

Daniela: I agree with what you say on the declaration of love for Oscar!

Antonio Ruggiero at 22:02 on 23 February
Better not to hijack ... back to politics ...

Daniela Mugelli at 22:02 on 23 February
modestly, the hijacking and 'my favorite sport. keeps you young neurons, is bene alla pelle e all'umore!

Daniela Mugelli alle 22.03 del 23 febbraio
uffa. non e' tutto politica? (vi lascio al vostro dibattito) baci!

Maria Mancarella alle 22.07 del 23 febbraio
Non vado nel parrucchiere, fruttivendolo, al bar raramente, al cinema ogni due anni perchè anche li non danno niente di buono, il macellaio lo sognavo, in questa zona ha aperto oggi dopo anni di chiusura. La repubblica di Platone non mi piace quando dice come far fare gli accoppiamenti per generare figl, per il resto sono d'accordo. Vado al supermercato ed è talmente freddo come ambiente sociale che non hai il tempo di parlare neanche alla cassiera.

Luigi De Bonis alle 22.22 del 23 febbraio
"Platone totalitarian "- K. Popper

Bianca La Rocca at 22:29 on 23 February
do not know if we talk a lot or a little about politics. I know that if they talk, both inside and outside political parties, very bad. If you talk politics means talk about what is "public" and concerns the life of its own and the community have equal dignity and the comment about the price of zucchini, such as the Republic of Plato, the important thing is to draw the right consequences. Of course there are different responsibilities, but I'm sorry, I never believed in a society better than politics, it is only a more detailed than the first. It is good we go out, like the other one

Alex Templar at 22:47 on 23 February

Antonio Ruggiero at 23.10 on February 23
would serve a great cultural revolution really LIBERAL.

Maria Mancarella at 23:17 on 23 February
Guys, why do not you go to parliament to make cultural lessons? Berlusconi sometimes recalls Erasmus, but I do not think that really has read or sel'ha made the plays in his own way as always.

Antonio Ruggiero at 23:22 on 23 February
I'd like a movement to take on the constitutional value of the secular state, which must guarantee the maximum freedom, equality and respect for all faiths, without privileging no.

Maria Mancarella at 23:23 am on February 23
faiths who do not want freedom

Renzo Risso at 23:31 on 23 February
But it is a provocative note ... dear Michele ???????
personalmente.sento I talk about anything but politics ... .. almost zero .... if not ..... what I want and I can not say ...... you understand me. . no ???????
However, it is always a pleasure to read and comment on your notes ...

Daniela Condemi at 23:32 on 23 February
Bravo! Michele Finizio at 23:49 on 23 February
My notes, Renzo, are always provocative, ironic, sarcastic, grotesque, satirical tendency. Thank tutti.Buona night tomorrow.

Nora's Mauro on February 24, 0:05
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love Oscar Wilde

Daniela Colabrese at 00:59 on February 24
certain: it was the balance!

Alex Templar at 00:59 on February 24
Grand Duchy of Tuscany .. the first was really no need lbero Rivol French ... freedom of religion .. via the death penalty etc ...

Daniela Colabrese to 1.25 February 24
If not politics, what pearls otherwise ??!!!??

Rosella Travaglini at 2:07 of the February 24
Rather than talking about politics politics ... we should do it the real one ... remembering that the man is a political deduction ... maybe ... non siamo più uomini...

Laura Picchetti alle 8.13 del 24 febbraio
a questo proposito scusate.....c'è una abitante di face..che mi ha chiesto di levare un commento dal mio blog perche' in una discussioncella qui ...aveva messo anche lei un commento.....
ma non volendo essere riconosciuta mi ha chiesto di levarlo....dal blog.
Ora io mi domando noi scriviamo cose anonimamente e ci vergognamo di scriverle col nome e cognome????.
perchè entrare qui con i propri nomi e si ha paura di esprimere un margine ad una discussione?
...solo per dire buon giorno e buone sera e per ...giocare?


Libro: Dieci discorsi sul welfare. Visto da dentro. Tracce per una riflessione nuova
Autore: Finizio Michele
Editore: Rubbettino Argomento: stato sociale
Genere: problemi e servizi sociali
data publ.: 2005
Attraverso un vespaio di interrogativi l'autore mette in gioco radicate convinzioni e rovescia logiche culturali e politiche del cosiddetto nuovo welfare. Ipotizza che di nuovo c'è soltanto la rinnovata vetustà di un welfare che appare moderno nella ...Prezzo di listino: € 12,00

Dieci discorsi sul welfare
A che cosa servono i servizi di welfare?
La risposta potrebbe essere scontata.
Ma dopo aver letto this book one is forced to question many beliefs. A hornet's nest of questions displayed a lively intellectual, with a language easy and immediate. The author brings into play
deeply held convictions and reverse logic of the so-called new cultural and political welfare. Again, the author argues, there is only renewed the age of a welfare system that is modern in form but in substance is old and obsolete. The author addresses issues of social market economy, democracy, participation and welfare policies from a totally reversed that opens unexplored tracks of study and analysis. In the book are original signs on the approach to territorial and social programming for a different culture of welfare. New culture and necessary to prevent the demolition of the old welfare state without building a new welfare state. A welfare state, "said the author" that uses the language (words) protection and the protection, care, needs and responses, which he calls "minor" children, a welfare system that is already through the words before the material produces, as produced, damaging practical effects. The author criticizes sharply the Third Sector organizations, social enterprises in particular, with an invitation to change approaches and policies. It is not enough to ask how the potential for wealth that is produced economic growth can be translated into social welfare, a better quality of life. The question is how the potential of social wealth that resides in the social dimension in civil or in the public sphere, it can translate into economic growth, especially in development. This is the challenge.


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