Sunday, May 10, 2009

Catapult Designs And Blueprints

and satire reborn on the net

And the satire reborn On Line
June 9, 2009 - Saro Vizzini
Source: / company / e-satire-the-reborn-on-line / end of January
Italy no longer has a satirical newspaper in general circulation. Certainly not the main problem of this country. But it is a fact that may make people think. It could be a sign of a society that can no longer smile on the powerful. A component of the national character that esiste da millenni e che sembra venire meno proprio quando i mezzi di comunicazione stanno conoscendo la massima diffusione e varietà. E se invece la satira su carta – vessata dalle leggi di mercato e dalla censura - stesse soltanto anticipando un fenomeno che investe i media tradizionali: la migrazione on line?

Sul piano storico, la conferma che la satira non è mai morta è arrivata dalla mostra tenuta lo scorso mese di ottobre alla Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Roma: “L’altra storia 1848-1948. Un secolo di stampa satirica italiana. Dallo Statuto Albertino alla Costituzione repubblicana”. Impressionante il numero delle pubblicazioni satiriche nel periodo preso in considerazione: 55 solo nel 1848, tra cui L’Arlecchino Naples (the oldest in Italy) and whistle in Turin, inspired by Cavour. Already in 1861 we get to share 70 and even 450 between 1862 and 1915. To go down to 200 from 1919 to 1948.
Even under fascism, then, could be found on newsstands humorous newspaper, where he competed publications by authors such as Federico Fellini (on Marcus Aurelius) or Guareschi (the Berthold). Of course that did not overtly political satire, but it was fun. Who lived in those difficult years I still remember them with affection.

From the rubble of war and Berthold was born in 1945 (to close in 1961), the weekly satirical Candide, directed by Guareschi and attended by authors such as Indro Montanelli, Leo Longanesi, Walter Molino and Oreste del Buono. The latter, from 1972 to 81 will be the director of Linus, the monthly magazine founded in 1965 and still on the newsstands and the Web (with a blog). A period of great turmoil satirical, the 70s. Compare Giorgio Forattini and at the end of the decade (1977-1982) began the short but intense and hilarious season of Evil, with Anges Vincino, Vauro, Jacopo For and Cinzia Leone, among others.

The 80s were dominated by Forattini and the Republic of the satirical cartoon wins the first page of newspapers. In 1989 Michele Serra invents Heart, first as an insert in The Unit and then, from '91, as independent publication that closed its doors in 1996. But the slow decline of the satirical press has already begun. The last two episodes concern Paparazzin, insert Liberation withdrawn in late 2008 and Emme, satirical pages of The Unit closed in late January this year. Where did the veterans of satire and young cartoonists rampant? On the Web

Symbol's current transition is just Paparazzin, from whose ashes was born recently in Network MAMMA!, With a subtitle that says it all: "If there is more journalism, if a complaint is satire." They and all others encountered on the Internet you can judge for themselves. Because in the end to determine the success or the demise of the "satyr" is always and only the public.

Finally, the irony of the Minister Brunetta:

The maxi amendment that will change the information on the Net

June 9th, 2009 by admin
ANSA stop a few minutes ago about the confidence that the government will ask the maxi-amendment on wiretapping has a sinister meaning and concern for the Net: Text maxi-amendment, in fact, introduces the obligation of our Order rectification within 48 hours failing which a fine sation between 15 and 25 million lire to all holders of "computer sites."
I have said many, if not all, here and here about the issue and, not to repeat myself (too much) I should just add that the government is showing, once more, but do not know the Network at least as long as they fear it will be incredibly different from a television ...
The maxi-amendment is likely to change much in the dynamics of networked information and is an unnecessary sacrifice of freedom of expression that will compress the rights of many without causing any benefit even a few .
Let's talk, let's talk, let's talk ...


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