Thursday, May 28, 2009

Wagle Ki Duniya All Epishod

thank goodness they are

What is happening about the art. 21 of the Constitution

Giuseppe Giulietti

Minister Bondi, with a rare contempt of danger and even ridicule, in a letter sent to a newspaper owned by Berlusconi's family has indicated in the newspaper "La Repubblica" the real threat to Italian democracy.
no wonder that decided to further worsen the gag law attempting to apply it to pending litigation. Their goal, more and more obvious is to abolish the very existence of public opinion.
The only real scandal in place is not represented by the few newspapers that still dare to do their job, but the pole Raiset where, with very few exceptions (almost only TG3) the unwelcome news are now literally blacked out and expelled from the news. For these reasons
absolutely right on the board of directors of RAI Nino Rizzo Nervo complaint when the real break in action between the direction of TG1 and principles that have always inspired public service, even in the worst moments. The His complaint is, at least until now surrounded by an awesome and fearful silence.
For these reasons and with great respect we would like to ask the chairpersons of the guarantee, all professional organizations and trade unions, the supervisory committee and the chairman and director general of RAI, which were defined personality Guarantee to play its role to the end because what is happening is no longer only be one head of Rai, but directly impacts the Articolo21 of the Constitution and the law itself of citizens to be fully informed and timely manner.
If those answers do not arrive it will be for all of us develop forms of civil protest and most radical and effective.
................ ...

ECONOMY The indictment of the Attorney General: "The debt does not reduce"
"There are 100 billion processed to recover but it is difficult to do"
The alarm of the Court of Auditors
"Crisis and corruption, the country's ills"
"Pensions from reform, using the leverage European

ROME - Crisis and corruption as obstacles to the development and debt reduction. Pensioni da riformare e una maggiore spinta alla lotta all'evasione. Il Procuratore generale presso la Corte dei Conti, Furio Pasqualucci, nella sua requisitoria sul Rendiconto generale dello Stato, fotografa così la situazione economica dei conti dello Stato. A pesare, la rapidità con cui la crisi finanziaria si è trasferita sull'economia reale. Ma non solo: la Corte lancia l'allarme corruzione nelle pubbliche amministrazioni nel suo giudizio sul Rendiconto generale dello Stato. Un fenomeno, quella della corruzione, "talmente rilevante da far più che ragionevolmente temere che il suo impatto sociale possa incidere sullo sviluppo economico del Paese.

Corruzione. La cifra dice molto: 50/60 miliardi di euro all'anno. Una vera and their 'immoral and surreptitious fee paid with money taken from people's pockets'. "The Court" and other major consequences are produced by twisting corruption in public administration. Also give a picture that is "not compensated for an additional cost to the community, which could hamper (mostly in southern Italy), foreign investment, to destroy confidence in the institutions and to take away the hope for the future generations of young people, citizens and businesses. " But repression alone is not enough. Action should be taken in its organization "acting on conduct, procedures, transparency of administrative action to prevent and / or limit the likelihood that the events described corrupt ".

crisis and debt. In Italy" the path of deficit reduction
was arrested. "Indices 2008", unfortunately, have rejected "the desire of the" continuation of a virtuous to debt reduction and disappointed the expectation of an improvement in public finances. The national accounts report that "GDP declined by 1%, net debt rose to 42.9 billion, equivalent to 2.7 % of GDP, the primary surplus declined to 2.4% and public debt has reached an amount of 1.66365 trillion, equivalent to 105.8% of GDP. "Pasqualucci recalls how" the economic crisis and the consequent decline in income over some tax cuts have slowed the growth of tax revenues (+1% is the change in total revenue in 2007), the tax burden has fallen to 42.8%, down three-tenths of a point "compared to 2007. It These figures, Pasqualucci warns, "should be framed in a global scenario that has been going through a major financial crisis whose effects are quickly transmitted to the real economy."

evasion. The recovery of tax revenues would of over EUR 100 billion a year, "a real treasure that would solve many problems," but "can not hide a certain skepticism, at least on the speed with which you can recover treasury for the area of \u200b\u200bevasion. "

Pensions. The equalization of retirement ages for men and women in public administration, as requested by the Court of Justice," is a fitting occasion for a review of legislation on adjusting the effective retirement age in Italy and the European average. "Pasqualucci, however, notes that the recent abolition of the ban on accumulation of pensions and income from work has resulted in three years, an increase of 870 million euro.

Securitization. To retrieve resources to tackle the economic crisis could proceed with the sale of public assets should be recorded, but "the result of the recent unflattering securitization che, a fronte di un portafogli di 129 miliardi avevano fruttato ricavi per 57,8". Un progetto che la Corte definisce "ambizioso ma incompiuto".

(25 giugno 2009)






We just have to trust in the wisdom of the President of the Republic.
Because what has been done on wiretapping bill and Alfano, yesterday, the House, is a real assault on the values \u200b\u200bof the Constitution and the duty of investigation to the judges!
Once again, the Parliament becomes a place voiceless, will not be reduced to the wishes of the Government: With the law passed yesterday, the press could have written anything of the recent scandals that have affected public life.

Santa Rita Clinic in Milan, Calciopoli, the crafty real estate agents, takeovers of banks and countless other cases would have remained invisible to the public.

Justice reform for this Government means this: put the silencer in the press and journalists (the latter threatened with jail in case of dissemination of news "non-essential" with evidence "not clear" who will then decide, no one knows ) and do not solve the cancer of civil justice processes snail, the courts also lack toilet paper and chairs where to hold a hearing.

And the mafia is celebrating: although it says that the law does not apply in case of investigations for crimes of mafia, everyone knows how the bog mafia was sometimes dried up thanks to parallel investigations on "white collar" Sleuth.

And this slow slide towards authoritarianism is one of the sweet epiphenomena of Berlusconi, who embodies the myth of efficiency only when it suits him.
And Berlusconi and his kings and queens of the intrigues and crimes, the judiciary and press have enslaved it suits them.

We do not: freedom ends well, with a ban on speaking and writing events that occurred, that there are that exist.
for this fight against this bill and ask you to state that all appeals are public for review.

And we continue to hope in stemming the Quirinale.

Author: Nichi Vendola


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