Saturday, May 2, 2009

How Can I Charge My Advance Sp

Triste primo maggio.
La grande crisi economica che sta strangolando il mondo intero, non risparmia neanche la nostra provincia ed in questo caso neanche Atripalda. Sfogliando le pagine dei giornali, vedendo le cronache televisive, purtroppo abbondano notizie di imprese ed attività che fanno sempre più spesso salti mortali per andare avanti, e che molto spesso sono costrette a licenziare.
Sono molteplici i casi che si registrano sul nostro territorio o comunque nell’immediato hinterland e che vede coinvolti cittadini atripaldesi: basti pensare alla crisi della FMA, della Tecnostampi ecc.
Per la crisi di tali imprese, sono centinaia gli atripaldesi costretti alla cassa integrazione, che vivono difficult days and for whom the future is not rosy promises.
Another critical situation through the work of the quarry located in our territory, which has recently been subject to seizure, the lack of some important approvals and for failing to comply with legal obligations. In this case we are faced with a problem not directly related to the crisis, but to the purely legal. Last
in order of time, the case of workers, even women workers, the company of Progress Manocalzati. To be at risk are the 16 posts of clerk of the mall, which was initiated by the collective dismissal procedure. In short, a situation that job that draws a very black future for workers of our city. There are so many cases that may forget or ignore, but at the same time of 1 May, Labour Day latita that more and more, I want to express my deepest sympathy for men and women who live in sad times and they see this day not as a party, which perhaps would be good for some concerts and some less initiative for more work. I feel close to many friends and fellow citizens who see their jobs at risk, that are placed in layoffs, which have already lost their jobs. Antonio Prezioso

Parent Board People of Freedom Atripalda


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