Tuesday, December 9, 2008

How To Decorate Rabbit Cage

Seeee certoooo.....

Today 'the term to repay the damage insurance for an accident that Annie was coming out of a car months ago, nothing serious: he had just broken a piece of the bumper of a van. Who pays breaks and so far no rain, but let them try to make the Italians with us does not seem the case ... and 'sad but the Italian took advantage of that if he did throughout history, so that the rest of the world by our supremely fascinated arts underworld has decided to follow in the footsteps of our smart home, I happened to New York with the drug dealer's computer (the one the lesson had its depth), often in bars and restaurants are not exactly in the top categories and almost always happens with insurance adjusters. In this respectable society 'in Australia, where everyone runs to pay a fine as soon as possible, that sly has life relatively easy, if you have an ounce of brain could be exaggerated and not his fine career, (I will not comment because of the type 'You do not even you, there' nothing Decent in taking advantage of others). But what happens when you Italian with an Italian? 'Cause if I'll break a bumper, you put me in mind half machine? Now, I realize that the average Australian does not have the slightest idea of \u200b\u200bhow a bull is attacked (and probably thinks it's a piece with the frame), but send me the invoice with details of the damage seems to me an outlet around.
The other week and I 'got this letter asking for a total of 1360 of the insurance money, it is stated clearly in the detail that the bumper (which does not even require the painting) and work to change it are 380, I can also pass other 50/100 money between screws and brackets that could have been damaged in the terrible impact from a standing start, but the other 900?? Well obviously just read the invoice: arch, back side coated, and even a certain number of things that any good Italian coachbuilder was taken into account. In Italy there 'a reason why the expert who controls the damage and' one by the person who did the damage and not vice versa! Wake Up Australia! Bon fact is that the letter contains a nice ultimatum "not later than December 9" seee course, I traveled the globe to get here and give you money ...
My first idea 'was a complain letter explaining how I is responsible for all that damage, complete with a check for the correct amount in my opinion, but Steve stopped me and asked to see the letter and after a few days (after asking me to confirm that we have not done the damage) suggests to me not to do anything . Bon ah, I trust, I made an offer at least gliel'avrei, but Steve certainly knows more 'about me, then is not' Italian (and therefore 'almost certainly the most' honest), do as he says the worst ... in a month if I am asked a billion hang onto your passport, I go ... and how Abagnale: try to get me.
For the rest, everything as usual, the neck and 'slowly restored, gives me a little' to discomfort but nothing serious, Efrem started working and it 'very glad, and Annie' on a boat along the Great Barrier Reef and I was quite bored with no money, to spend time in an economic / constructive'm learning at last write using your fingers on the keys just right (in fact the time it takes to write posts and I'm 'the most' long since I started the blog), so 'maybe when I get back I will be able' to the secretary! Yuuhhhuuuu! Yesterday
and 'got my birthday present: after years after the death of one of my father' (who had lost gavendolo seen vendu ') and' back in my hands a Nikon 105mm 2.8D, and I am very, very happy about that.
Today I left my trusty computer to the Apple store to be repaired at last, when I come back 'towards the end of the week, I greet' with affection and gratitude for these two years of service, lay off the 'in a box at a time of 'Italy and once at their destination the'll find' with the help of ebay a new home. Indeed, if someone wants a MacBook Pro just tagliandato
Bon ... I'm tired and hungry so I close here and go home, saludos amigos y hasta Lueg!


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