Saturday, December 20, 2008

How To Make Electric Power Saver Schematic

di nuovo sereno

Another week and 'round, nothing spectacular' happened but now I look back at the weekend and I am satisfied, on the other post rereading it now seems cataclysmic week when in reality there is nothing to preoccuaparsi ... Tomorrow Annie finally back after a month of departure, I'm delighted and feel very relieved that everything went well. Sometimes I seem to exaggerate a bit, 'I would not sembrale oppressive but not really' the same without her, I act in a manner totally different from what I was used long ago and I would not want this to be interpreted the wrong way, and 'I'm just different. I had much time to think about what I said and did and, while not having second thoughts, might be that on some occasions I have missed a bit 'of sensibility', I could talk more ' with people who love me and I could listen more 'instead of pretending to know all the answers already. Sometimes ...
At work you feel the Christmas spirit, that we laugh in short sleeves in summer, for many, and this 'was the last week before the holiday and everything was' moved in a more relaxed next week I have entrusted the training of two new, and the next one I'll be 'promoted supervisor (my second last week), I did not change anything as pay or hours, but' I'm glad ...
These days I did the good man house, 253 washing, cleaning floors and beliefs, so when Annie comes not within the sty in which Gillian and Sarah live peacefully, now I have to move Ephrem withdrew from the couch (sleeps every night) and I decided that I can not damn the soul for him to eat like a normal person, (not his mother). I do less than watch him swallow (practically without chewing) the dough and then once everything returns to normal over '. My threshold of tolerance in some respects and 'decreased a lot, I can not deny that Ephraim has made significant strides since he' arrived, but this thing can not swallow food and take it off I can not help but notice it ... Computer
back, most perfectly functioning, probably tomorrow I send them but obviously I messed up con le scatole; mi manchera’ ma preferisco l’Asia e il road trip ad un computer; poi il sostituto e’ brillante e quindi non mi preoccupo…
Anche questa settimana niente surf, non ho nessuno che mi porti e noleggiare una tavola da solo mi sembra un po’ triste, Efrem non e’ interessato quindi per il momento resto un surfista nello spirito; ho sentito dire che e’ quello l’importante. In questa settimana piu’ lucida e serena ho notato che il mio malumore e’ connesso al numero di sigarette che fumo; generalmente fumo solo quando bevo quindi al venerdi, ma ho avuto dei momenti di cedimento piu’ importanti che potrebbe essere influiscano sul mio umore; sono in quella fase di auto tortura where smoke a pack a week, usually all in w / e and then get the rest of the day to fight the beast from a certain point of view, I feel stupid, the other strong, I know that this control and 'just an illusion but it 's pleasant illusion. In any case, this need not generally satisfied, nicotine may be a factor in accidents on my negativity 'in recent weeks, could ...


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