Saturday, December 6, 2008

Jenna Jameson Film Streaming

Maledetti irlandesi!

Weekend painful awakening on Friday morning, 'was a nightmare: the neck did not want to move in any direction, and after a few tries to unlock it and give up my name is sick. What annoys me a lot for two reasons: I do not earn the money and the fact that the only day that I go to work the weather sucks.
Put my heart in peace and go out for a walk with the excuse to buy me a coffee, I make calls from both the mother and father, after an hour on the phone between the two, my mood is much better.
The continuation of the day and 'useless, I get by on the couch wasting their time on the computer, I go quietly to do some' expense and I buy a set of screwdrivers with which a super time at home I open my macbook pro (obviously with no results, but deserved provare).
Riesco a far passare la mattinata; mentre il pomeriggio con l’aiuto di un antidolorifico mi sposto al tropicana a studiare un po’. Alle 5 Gillian mi chiama chiedendo di andare a prenderla, ovviamente e’ in ritardo quindi non e’ che lasci molte possibilita’ di dirle di no, vado a recuperarla e torniamo a casa; oggi c’e’ la sua festa di compleanno (ieri ha compiuto 30 anni), che in teoria comincia alle 6, questo vorrebbe dire prepararsi e uscire in un tempo ragionevolmente breve, Efrem si siede sul divano e accende il computer, io mi cambio e poi mi metto ad aiutare Gillian ad indossare il corsetto che ha appena comprato, l’operazione e’ una cosa seria, in quanto il corsetto e’ a well done and not a replica "comfortable" to store, pitch good 20 minutes to tighten the laces, and when we finished we both need another shower. To match with jeans and waistcoat in 'another operation that requires a bit' of balance and no little strength, but the result is 'mission and the complex' was quite funny ... and I
Efrem we leave the house that are 8 and Sean meet in the city ', which we expect only a couple of hours, we are at 8.30 to the party, where there are a herd of Irish to expect, I drink a million drinks, I do not know if not feel the neck or the Irish. Fortunately arrives Alice a salvare la mia serata, lei pero’ lascia dopo un paio d’ore, io resisto fino all’1.35 quando saluto e levo le tende.
Arrivo alla fermata dell’autobus con un minuto di ritardo; aspetto 30 minuti per quello successivo ma solo per vederlo passare senza fermarsi; atri 30 minuti (tutto questo ad una fermata dell’autobus circondato da sbronzi con il collo che mi fa male) e finalmente alle 2.40 riesco a prendere il bus verso casa; sono le 3.10 quando finalmente collasso a letto e pongo la parola fine a questa giornata.
Mi sveglio il sabato alle 8 con il collo che mi fa male come il giorno prima, rimanere a letto e’ impensabile quindi mi alzo mi cospargo di crema solare e passando attraverso il campo profughi (Efrem and Sean on the couch) when I go to the beach, find a tree that gives me a little 'shadow and listening to the adventures of Sherlock Holmes I rest a few hours.
I go home for lunch, after a long telephone conversation with Annie, just because 'driven by hunger and found the two bodies exactly where I had left four hours earlier.
begin to cook and they wake up, they tell me to be back home around 8 (I know 'cause I woke up at that time) after a night of hell to serve as nannies to Gillian and his Irish friends who get drunk or could not enter the premises or when they could go to forget about them 2 ...
Another painkiller, and the day may 'start around 2, I get a call from Gillian in a voice that asks me if I can wait hallucinating her friend Sarah, who should arrive in 10 minutes (moved today from us and 'homeless, yet he sleeps with her and then take 'our room), Gillian cmoe requests are always more' orders than anything else, what options I have? Say, "no because you're a moron or you do not know how to organize saro'io not to wait?
few minutes later a call from my phone card Gillian off (I'm changing operator) the change with the new one but nothing happens, I have to call the service center to be told that they need a little 'time and that by Monday evening the new card will be 'active, then I lose patience and officially began cursing at the officer's worst cutomer service I've ever spoken ...
Around 6 Gillian called again, asking us to go take Sarah to his house and drive a car they've posted, I smoke and I'm seriously taking the piss but I go, even to say that when we get loads of there 'nothing, Sarah took out two bags just waiting Efrem me and for the bed and furniture and Gillian right there '. Without saying a word all load up a van (with another Irishman who asks us if we can do quickly that it must make soon) e le borse nella mia macchina, poi con Sarah a bordo guido verso casa e scarichiamo. Quasi non mi aspettavo che ringraziasse ma almeno quello arriva, ovviamente niente piu’ di grazie.
La sera preparo una zuppa al pomodoro e guardiamo il signore degli anelli e cosi’ anche sabato e’ passato.
Che bel week end… maledetti irlandesi!


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