Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Cons Of Convection Oven

verso sud

Yesterday morning wake-up brewery hostel calmly, too calmly, give way to 11 and including a sightseeing tour of the country, which takes no more 'than 5 minutes, and the arrangement of the machine, we we are traveling very late. We stopped almost immediately in the metropolis of Ulladulla, city 'so important that it does not fall on the maps, here we abuse the post office to ship the 28 things we'd forgotten to Sydney and finally deposit their savings in Musina, and I do expect all control placed in the visitor center, nothing interesting, especially in terms iphone.
E 'one o'clock when finally we start in earnest, travel for an hour in complete tranquility, 'day and' beautiful and travel in NSW and 'extremely relaxing, and there is' absolutely nothing for miles and kilometers if not endless expanses of trees on both sides of the road, every now and then There 'a clearing, some river and here now comes a farm, it seems really a show. We stopped for lunch at
Batesman Bay, a fish and chips by the sea, have lunch with a dolphin who shows up to 20 meters and manta rays that swim near there; will then maintain? Those fish dishes, which have very large hook as a sort of tail. I'm not sure of the Italian name here call them Stingray.
After walking around the country, definitely too touristy, we put ourselves on the road and just outside the village we are again surrounded by endless forests, and I really like driving through these streets, although I can not help but think of what to do in case of a fault in the car ... We reach
our destination at around 4, we find the hostel and head there for 26 soldoni rent a room, the machine will download in a flash and in less than no time we're at the beach. An endless expanse of sand drawn by the waves, just arrived a sign warns of strong currents towards the south, we discover what it means just entered the water. Ephraim and Annie do not pass the height of the knees, take a bath here and 'undertaking that requires a certain skill' because there are waves in front to lift and power from side to move, if you are not careful we risk ending up in a turbine and combined the two to be flipped upside down '... I obviously enjoy myself and play with the waves to half an hour, my mission and 'get to where the actual tunnel is formed, a mission that unfortunately I can not accomplish, the currents are too strong to fight for people like me feel like a superhero ...
A nice walk on the beach and then go home at about 6:30, a quick change and we are going to explore the city ', 5 minute walk away and do the rounds of all that there' to see, and everything is' obviously closed ; quindi spesa, doccia e BBQ. Serata in ostello a giocare a carte, molto backpackers… Io e Annie andiamo a dormire per le 11.30 mentre gli altri rimangono fuori per una sigaretta, tornano due ore dopo con Sean devastato. E’ evidente che il ragazzo ha dei problemi con l’alcool, e’ di nuovo totalmente ubriaco da non riuscire a stare in piedi, sembrerebbe abbiano incontrato due svizzeri e della vodka. Mentre Efrem (che e’ perfettamente a posto) si occupa di fargli da babysitter e lo sorregge, Sean si lamenta imprecando frasi senza senso ovviamente a squarciagola, si rialza dal letto in cui Efrem lo aveva fatto distendere per andare a dormire nel parcheggio sui sassi. Alle 4 di mattina ci sveglia con le sue lamentele e vado a recuperarlo, was definitely dreaming out loud, wake up so high that all the hostel, dragged him to the bed and leave him there. I've never even heard of the verses like an animal ... how to fall so 'for me remains a mystery. Today wake up early, breakfast blog and now again, destination Eden.


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