Thursday, January 15, 2009

Snot Like Cervical Mucus After Ovulation


This journey and' crazy, traveling in the car and 'the only way to understand how it is distributed geographically Australia; to know that there are only four big cities' and maybe 5 more worthy of the name just a map, what you can not 'understand if not seeing it and' the population size of those dots on the map next to a name. Traveling an average of 150 km per day will go through 2 or 3 (there's nothing for miles and km), and those dots that are waiting to meet are filled with a gas station, a market / grocery store, (so often united 'to form the executive's City') a kind of diner and, optionally, a limited number of services to choose from post office, bank, or a clinic basic, if a country should be able to have them all 3 at once that here is to distinguish from the others and was promoted to city '. The negozioni we encounter during our visits are the most 'diverse and captive, there' generally used clothes store and that of good clothes, and often 'hard to tell the difference between the two, there' then almost always a furniture store, because it 's well known that Australians will change the furniture very often, at least as tourists who come to choose their furniture into nothing cosmic.
Our journey takes us up to Eden, who once 'from the name itself as a beautiful paradise in the middle of nowhere, which could happily be seen as a purgatory from which you can not' exit, along the way we stopped here and there for lunch and a bathroom because 'one thing' for sure: not lack of beaches. Eden is developed along the main road, and that 'the one on the map and' marked as a motorway, and 'a city' because it has all 3 basic services, more 'has a pub where we sleep, two snack bars and two cafe ', a true and even a restaurant Supermarket cinese, a chi sia venuto in mente di aprire un cinese li, per me, rimarra’ un mistero. I negozi a Eden sono i piu’ vari che incontriamo da giorni e presi dall’euforia ci compriamo un mazzo di carte da 2 soldoni.
Investiamo invece 33$ in gamberi e la sera verso le 7.30 guidiamo fino alla collina adiacente dove troviamo una piastra pubblica e una panca che ci mostra un bellissimo tramonto.
La mia, ormai quasi persa, abilita’ culinaria non ha modo di farsi vedere molto, in quanto le piastre hanno un'unica temperatura e tutto quello che il cuoco puo’ fare e’ stare attento che i cibi non si attacchino fin quando non li reputa pronti; cucino tutto con salsa di soia, che sembra inquietare molto Efrem, ma fino now, I have not missed a shot ... dead tired
andiamno to bed early, and the sequence for the retreat ': Efrem, Annie, Rocco and Sean, after Annie's warning, decided to be good and stay within the limits of decent, but not being accustomed to going to bed at 10, and not being able to drink at the bar, he decides for a few rounds of solitaire with our new deck of cards.
I wake up at 6.30am and see standing Efrem who is preparing, we are now mode 'sports, I put myself in a bathing suit and slippers, and once we go to the beach. We are back to the 8.15 after a run on the foreshore of 3 / 4 km a bit 'of flexion and a swim, we have breakfast assieme ad Annie e poi raccattiamo Sean per ritornare tutti assieme alla spiaggia. Lasciamo Eden verso le 11.30 ma poco dopo il tempo cambia e le nuvole ci costringono a rimontare il tetto; abbandoniamo il luogo di sosta che avevo deciso per via del brutto tempo e decidiamo di viaggiare fino alla sosta successiva. 230 km e siamo a Lakes Entrance, un altra citta’ a pieno merito (questa ha addirittura un McDonalds…) dove piantiamo le tende in un campeggio tranquillo ai bordi della citta’.
La sera io e Annie ci facciamo un trancio di salmone, un paio di polipi e un assaggio di cozze sulla piastra, saremo anche in campeggio, ma mangiamo meglio che a Sydney… La sera Efrem va a dormire alle nove cotto, sono giorni che gli fa male un dente, and between a moan and a painkiller and 'tired. The three of us go to the beach to see the stars (thousands and thousands, a beautiful sight), I try to photograph them, but with a wrong turn break the screw that attaches the camera to the tripod and free hand the stars are a wonder. We go to bed around 11 and the nightmare begins here: I did not consider that we are not here in Croatia and night temperatures drop a lot, all the towels we use are not sufficient to cover us and we spend a sleepless night to beat the teeth from the cold. I decide to leave the tent at 7 and now I'm writing my post from insomnia, the time is not 'much injured' and I'm exhausted, we will continue as' this day ...


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