Monday, January 5, 2009

Different Hair Styles On My Head

beans along with the cereal from a nutritional standpoint replace a meat dish.
The nutritional properties of food wrongly considered "poor"

ready in several recipes in a jar or even natural and sweet cream, but also become the main course demonstrating the extraordinary versatility of beans Sarconi wrongly regarded as a food "poor and therefore since the '60s have been replaced largely by the meat and other foods of animal origin, the most important nutritional considerations. From a nutritional
beans are real treasures of nutritional value - says Terence Bove, chairman of the Consortium of beans Sarconi-Beans are rich in protein containing essential amino acids are complementary to those of cereals, legumes, cereals union is an excellent dish, whose biological value is comparable to that of animal protein, in most legumes contain very low amounts or existent in saturated fats, harmful for the body if taken in excess, because factors predisposing to atherosclerosis, high blood pressure and thrombosis.
Hence the idea of \u200b\u200bproducing enriched pasta with mashed beans in the right proportion on the one hand to preserve the flavor of the pasta on the other provide the consumer with the beneficial properties of the beans. Beans, Bove
continues - are composed of more than 50% of carboidrati (amidi), mentre la restante parte è costituita dalla fibra alimentare, sia quella insolubile (soprattutto cellulosa), capace di regolare le funzioni intestinali, sia quella solubile, che contribuisce al controllo dell'iperglicemia dopo i pasti e del colesterolo nel sangue. Questa importante azione "ipocolesterolemizzante", insita dei fagioli è stata confermata da recenti studi medici, che dimostrano come l’assunzione quotidiana di fagioli per 12 settimane riesce a ridurre il tasso di colesterolo nel sangue. Alla lista di lodi si può aggiungere che i fagioli non perdono valore nutrizionale durante la cottura, anzi vengono inattivate delle sostanze antidigestive che potrebbero essere dannose.
Bove conclude chiarendo un last aspect of the prerogative of the species: "Despite the high nutritional content, legumes are subject to various charges, primarily related to the long cooking times, poor digestion and the formation of intestinal gas. This annoying side effect is due to special carbohydrates that can not be digested, and ferment rapidly in the large intestine produce gas. The trick to get the best beans, with minimal side effects is to accustom the body to digest them effectively, then eating pasta with beans on a regular basis at least 3-4 times a week. terenzio.bove @


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