Monday, January 19, 2009

Noise Reduction Dog Crates

cambio vita

3 giorni che non I write and now there are 1000 things to say, bloody laziness. How
Friday and it was easy to imagine 'was a difficult day, wearing an incredible fatigue and the time that you really love we share, let us mark as having the beach and traveling ninety miles to the new goal: today and' Venus Bay . We arrive in the afternoon and we rent a cottage, now real bed with real walls, even the rooms with a bathroom and more 'than 1 square meter
Friday ... we are more' awake, do a walking tour in the morning, that brings us up out of town and then return along the beach, the temperatures are significantly different from NSW, despite the sun here, it's cool to knit, nothing di incredibile, ma non come eravamo abituati.
Il pomeriggio, alle 2.30 la mia vita cambia e dopo 10 mesi d’Australia io divento finalmente un surfista a tutti gli effetti; dopo la mia preparazione mentale, la comprensione e l’osservazione delle peculiarita’ di questa categoria, ho messo i miei piedi su una tavola e, anche se piccole, ho surfato le mie prime onde. Perche’ io abbia aspettato tanto non so… un’esperienza bellissima.
Stanco morto, mi riportano fino a casa dove una doccia e un cambio di vestiti mi rimettono in piedi, poi un paio di birre al pub e una cena in tranquillita’ a casa; abbiamo una casa, sfruttiamola!
Domenica si riparte, tragitto breve fino a Phillip Island, ultima decided before stopping in Melbourne, check in at a campsite with cabins and runway to see the Koala, we are in a protected park where there are plenty of guided tours, and thanks to finally see them, probably the animal most 'buff history, Koala passes 20 hours of his day to sleep, 3 to eat and what remains, if it remains, to move from one branch to another. Finding them is not 'easy as they are still in the most' incredible, but we are lucky we can even see a mother with a small eating and moving from branch to branch with a jump. Gone are the Koala
go to another park where there are more 'than 100 Australian animals and we feed kangaroos and wombats (promoted my favorite animals), then emu, Tasmanian devil, dingo and several others. A parrot greets us and we see a minicanguro tick from the belly of the mother. Annie manages to get attacked by a kangaroo and emu all run away from animals that appear to be more 'upset of history, in reality' seems just, and 'only because of their unhappy face.
the evening after a stop at home for a change of clothes, we travel the two main points of the island, we come from good Japanese pictures and go away, we see through a telescope and then to pay the seals 9 are at the parade penguin that turns out to be the most attraction 'visited Australia, tell me more 'Ayer's Rock (and I understand why', and 'a cake of rock in the middle of nowhere). The penguins are amazing, do you wait until 9.30 then begin to crowd in small groups along the beach and make their way in single file between the gulls that fish were expecting ... the presence of thousands of people will not touch them at all and do return to the nests as if there were none. The walkway runs built right next to them on their way and then you can 'be with you throughout the hill.
taken from his maternal instinct usually decides that Annie will not have 'two children, but never two koalas and penguins, even if it takes a couple of wombats
the evening we accept ... a cercare un pub aperto ma la vita che sembrava esserci la mattina e’ scomparsa del tutto lasciando Phillip Island spenta come se fossero le 5, torniamo in camera e con una bottiglia di vino aspettiamo con difficolta’ la mezzanotte per fare gli auguri a Sean che oggi compie 25 anni. Lui va a dormire non contento perche’ la mamma e il papa’ (io e Annie) non lo lasciamo aprire l’ultima bottiglia di Rhum per un brindisi; a parte che non abbiamo nulla da mescolarci, sappiamo benissimo che un brindisi per Sean diventa tutta la bottiglia e l’unico modo per farlo bere meno e’ bere con lui cosa della quale nessuno ha voglia.
Oggi finalmente toccheremo Melbourne, e forse riusciro’ ad uploadare un po’ di foto, I'm just an intenet cafe 'I try a new iPhone, which without, life and' more 'difficult, especially on holiday ...


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