Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Beard Trimmer Consumer Reports

Italians furious .. Carlo Bertani

the holster FUMING
Posted on Tuesday, June 23 @ 19:00:00 CDT by David

Exclusive to


begins to hear a rant that saber-rattling in the choir, who are yearning for a fresh start for the East, we return to memories of which would prefer not to join us again, because they revive the door the night to ease in the dawn, sleepless.
We never believed a war against Iran, and strongly reiterate: there is always, however, nostalgia saber lavarne placed without the blood, that of the whips used to despise the most indigenous to solicit the camel. And this makes us fear as he tried to remember Qaddafi, affixing to the chest - a mo 'medal - the photograph of Omar Mukhtar in the Italian chains.

We are not so naive enough to believe that a black man from Illinois, sat on the bench of Lincoln, to ensure future of peace to those who crave the most, because we know that - in their caves, shrouded in patriotic flags and models of the means of death - Samuel Huntington and Michael Ledeen continue to shake their sleep of reason, their desire for the broken power. Insensitive to the miserable life they lead now millions of Americans - that the proletariat never admitted to the home of liberalism - chase away an annoying fly as evidence that the big automakers have become only holding of pension funds, and that is called the glorious IBM Lenovo , and China.

If they were only these poor old people, these caryatids the time that was a stir in troubled waters of diplomacy, maybe we can sleep soundly, and yet it is not.
get to keep the legacy of Leo Strauss, there are young saplings yearning to follow in his footsteps, without understanding that that time has passed for that reason, are even more dangerous than their mentors, as followers are poor, without the minimum wise policy to defuse a decaying morals.

We read, with dismay, that Benjamin Netanyahu expressed his umpteenth proposal for resolving the Palestinian problem: the recognition - the Palestinian side - the Jewish state as "Jewish homeland" on the one hand, and "generous" concession a state palestinese completamente smilitarizzato dall’altra. Come a dire: la completa legalizzazione internazionale dell’ultimo stato teocratico del Pianeta e quella, parallela, dei Bantustan che ne adornano la corolla.
Ci domandiamo quale fondamenta, che non sia una sabbia mobile, possa sostenere un simile pensiero politico, se non la constatazione – evidente – che sarà il prodromo di nuovo sangue e d’altri fosforo e termite sparsi a pioggia.

Per tutte queste ragioni, ci sembra opportuno sottoporre all’attenzione dei lettori una notizia che non ha avuto l’attenzione che meritava, poiché “scomoda” e terribile. Siccome è anch’essa il frutto di due universi simbiotici - War and economic liberalism - there seems quite risky to associate it with what is happening these days, from Afghanistan to Palestine, because the events have their origin in causes and, if the causes are primordial stench ineligible, the resulting consequences should be denied .

We refer to the trafficking of organs for transplants that took place in Albania, after the end of the Kosovo war: how you can see, we have not found it necessary to spruce up with a "presumed" our term, as we believe that they have - if not the "smoking gun" - at least a "substantial" holster smoking. The events take
origin of two pages, just one stroke that Carla Del Ponte - former judge of the Hague Tribunal today Swiss ambassador to Argentina (until next year) - has seen fit to include in his book "The Hunt", an international bestseller translated in multiple languages.
Del Ponte outlines the scenario, players on the traffic that took place not far from the Morini border near Kukes, on the border with Kosovo: report of having reliable sources, but does not mention them. In any event, the Swiss government ordered him to be silent on the matter. Subject

traffic Serb prisoners were captured during the fighting, but also Roma and Albanians themselves, contrary to policy KLA bloody "President" (and, again, we wonder if Gaddafi can be appealed in that way!) Hasim Tachi, a reaction product obtained by welding the Albanian nationalism with atavistic hatred for the Serbs, plus a generous dose of money and a splash of warnings mafia. The "chemical" that works much alchemy called Nicholas Burns, and was sent to Clinton and Albright in the Albanian clans of the interior, the most important "piece" American era in the region.

At this point, would the desire to understand what the game play of the bridge, throw it in a web of conspiracy that would be lost, inevitably, in the arid rocks of the Balkans, only to make us lose the path of reason, dissolved and diluted - and eventually disappear altogether - in the cold waters of some underground river.
The reasons could be many: the simplest, is that Del Ponte may have simply told what he knew. Or, knowing that others knew, he preferred to "get wind" rather than suffer later, another attack on his person. Recall that the body of Slobodan Milosevic in The Hague still looms.
Or a simple "pizzino", delivered by some European Court - which has obeyed - to put some sticks in the wheels to the great desire of Albania to achieve a more "generous" review of the visa regulations for entry into the EU. That, in fact, was recently denied.
As you can see, whenever we talk about the Balkans, the truth is elusive just like water - of which the land is rich - which, however, hide at the sight of man for miles, only to be resurrected - and broken recomposed by mysterious underground meetings - in places with no apparent connection or relationship with those originating in other mountains or canyons, far away. And this is the meaning of what we're going to tell.

Basically, Del Ponte says little, says that immediately after the end of hostilities - in 1999 - about 300 people of various nationalities were sent to a mysterious "yellow house" in which they were first harvested the kidneys - to start from now the traffic - and then kill them later in order to remove other organs.
Rainews24 also interested in the story has run, producing a short film - The mystery of the house in Burrel [1] - which, however, does not give much greater certainty. Why?

As you search for the "smoking gun" and, especially in the Balkans, or if they are not, or if they are far too many: the trafficking of organs, then, is so deftly handled (as it is very profitable for criminal organizations implementing it) to leave no traces courts. Which are the only ones on which judgments may be based, certainly a more "force" in the investigation - especially after the admission of the Minister Roberto Maroni, has never been questioned [2] - it would be desirable.
reflect a kidney, paid $ 5,000 (at most) so-called "donor", can generate profits for 100,000 [3], in a ratio of 1:20: we know that does not leave easily "caught"! A human body in the free market "everything is bought and sold," was considered - only a "nominal" - figures for around half a million dollars, remaining very, very cautious in the estimates. Therefore, we conclude that those 300 unfortunate people have been transformed into a nice "nest egg" of about 150 million U.S. dollars. If it's all true, of course.

course, the perfect script, the Balkans, Serbs and Albanians accuse but deny any flaw here and there, began to appear: sometimes, even the karst rivers can give something back.
The first crack is of little consequence, since it provides evidence: two doctors Albanian Lutvi Dervishes, and the Tuna Pervorfraj Director of Medicus private clinic, where they worked and where the transplants took place, were arrested in the autumn of 2008 [4]. The two names say little or nothing, the clinic as well: some may say that this is the "smoking gun", others just another hoax in a large pasture field information.
Even the news that the Deputy Minister of Health of Kosovo - Ilir Recajo - has been suspended, roughly the same days, from his duties is not yet a "smoking gun, however, indicates that we are no longer just the" smoke ", here s 'a noticeable smell of roast. The

same newspaper on-line just below the Ticino, however, said something that - for those who published the first book on the subject in Italy [5], and he never ceased to be interested in the phenomenon, so that is thinking about a expanded revision of the original text to be put on-line - makes the ears prick up like a German shepherd that "tip" a danger.
His name appears - the primary source and the Bosnian newspaper Oslobodjenje - is to Jusuf Ercina Somnez, recipient of an international arrest warrant, which - understandably - not to say anything more. It, however, this name - if not a "smoking gun" - è una “fondina fumante”, ma di quelle ancora calde. Perché?

Poiché proprio l’anno precedente la guerra in Kosovo, il dott. Somnez (insieme al collega Shapira) fu oggetto dapprima di una ferma protesta diplomatica da parte del Ministro dell’Interno rumeno, poiché l’organizzazione messa in piedi dai due solerti discendenti d’Ippocrate si dedicava, corpo e beni, alla ricerca di “donatori” nelle povere campagne della Romania, dopo aver “rastrellato” a lungo la Moldavia. Ma la pistola non fuma ancora.
Se possiamo affermare che “fumò”, dobbiamo essere riconoscenti ad un giornalista turco – un vero giornalista, non uno scribacchino monumental - by the name of Mehmet Ali Onel, who worked for the television program Arena, aired by the Turkish public TV.

In June 1998 [6], Onel pretended to be a poor man who wanted to sell a kidney and contacted Somnez: settle the price and the date of the explant. The cameras, hidden corridors recorded with patients - many nationalities - waiting for action: Onel also managed to speak with the man who had received his kidney, an Israeli.
revealed his true identity, Onel s'attendeva decomposed that some reaction, however, there was: Somnez ignored him completely and immediately telephoned to his lawyer.
Obviously, this news - reported by our correspondent turkish "Striscia la Notizia" - could not flow like water on stone: Somnez Shapira and were expelled by Turkish Public Health.

's story told in 1998 by Somnez Onel, also said - without knowing anything at the time of the Kosovo future events! - The epilogue: Somnez resumed criminal activity with a network of private clinics run by a powerful businessman turkish, in smell (to say the least) of the mafia, this Ofluoglu Azmi. Keep in mind that we are in 1998.
Years later, look at the case, prosecutors discovered that Kosovo the following year (1999) was probably Somnez in Kosovo (if they have issued an arrest warrant ...) or in neighboring Bosnia or in the Sandzak, all land historically linked to Turkey, that the old Ottoman Empire.

At this point, we can not say that he had shown a "smoking gun" - on the other hand, in recent years there have shown more than one, and all false - but that, at least, a "smoking holster "there, and it is still hot.
Basically - in full freestyle - the good, "a Business" went to the places where he hoped, reasonably, that "the market" falls di prezzo per abbondanza di prodotto: se c’è una guerra, piatto ricco…
Altri hanno indicato che squadre di medici statunitensi “rastrellavano” l’Iraq dietro le truppe, ma non abbiamo indizi così lampanti come nel caso del dott. Somnez. Quella turca, signori miei, io la chiamo una prova: qualcosa in più dello scoop, e nessuno – finora – era riuscito a collegare nomi, date, luoghi ed eventi.
Qui termina il lavoro del giornalista – scusate se è poco – e dovrebbe iniziare quello del magistrato, ovvero di “qualcuno” che possa chiedere un arresto internazionale, che possa incriminare, processare, giudicare. E, invece, così non è. Perché? Since

organ trafficking is only the lowest and fetid expression of globalized capitalism, the "buy & sell everything, where and how I feel," which passes over our lives and our feelings as a bulldozer, with the sole purpose of money to fill the truck below.
So it is for Iran's oil and the internal political situation in that country, for the Venezuelan and anathema to Chávez, for gas in sea in front of Gaza that has killed so many innocent Palestinian children. It does not end here, because Monsanto & Co. apply the same strategies for food, the pharmaceutical industry as well: for all, that is only more la legge di “quanto vali”. L’estrema frontiera, sono i nostri corpi: quando saremo venduti a peso? Fanfaluche?
E allora perché, recentemente, Singapore ha liberalizzato sul suo territorio[7] (1 solo voto contrario al Parlamento!) la compravendita di organi per i trapianti? Perché la Cina ha specifici regolamenti per le esecuzioni, onde preservare la “merce”?

Quando Alberto Sordi, nel 1963, girò “Il Boom” per la regia di Vittorio de Sica, vidi il film nello splendore del vecchio bianco e nero di mamma TV: mi sembrò un film ridicolo… uno che giunge a vendersi un occhio per pagare i debiti…
Chiedetelo oggi ai contadini moldavi, rumeni and prisoners of war of the KLA. Then, come back to watch the film will seem like a perverse fairy tale, or a prophetic scratch over time. In a bitter darkness: our time.

Carlo Bertani Fonte:

[1] Source : (you can save it.)
[2] See: "Bodies in disarray," Carlo Bertani
[3] Testimony of Dr.. Michael Friedlander, chief of nephrology all'Hadassah University Hospital in Jerusalem. Source: Marina Jimenez, Canadian National Post, 2004.
[4] Source: Politika, Serbian daily, reported by Ticino Libero,
[5] - Thieves Organs - Malatempora - Rome - 2005.
[6] Source: Marina Jimenez, op. cit.
[7] Source: AGI,

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Protestano i sindacati: "Siamo furibondi, questo accade mentre si parla
di tolleranza e si fanno proclami sui risultati della lotta alla criminalità"
Scattano i tagli agli straordinari
la rabbia dei poliziotti romani

IL MINISTERO dell'Interno ha tagliato 4000 ore di straordinari alla polizia romana, il 5% del monte ore della Questura della Capitale per un importo di circa 40 mila euro al mese. La notizia ha suscitato le proteste di tutti i sindacati di polizia. I poliziotti, prendendo a prestito la battuta del titolare del Viminale Roberto Maroni quando gli fu bocciata alla Camera the proposal to bring a six-month stay in Cie ("I am furious," he thundered at the time), commenting on the curtailment of the payroll with a "we are also angry."

The first to protest that policy are "closer" to the government, the police UGL. "It 's a shame - says Massimo Nisida, provincial secretary of Rome - then you have the courage to cut the services of public policy." "This - added Enzo Letizia, national secretary of the police officers - is the first effect of the cuts in the Budget on Rome for € 16 million to the Department of Public Safety. And all this while the Interior Ministry is about zero tolerance and, at election time, is proclamations on the outcome of the fight against crime. " "I proclami sono una cosa - chiosano in coro Letizia e Nisida - questi tagli sono i fatti". Al ministro Maroni che fa sua la "tolleranza zero", Letizia ricorda che "chi inventò quella politica dura di sicurezza, l'ex sindaco di New York Giuliani, aumentò del 40% le risorse alla polizia".

Ancora Nisida dell'Ugl: "Si tratta dell'ennesimo attacco alla dignità professionale di chi è chiamato a presidiare il territorio e tutelare la sicurezza dei cittadini, anche perché, oltre a essere letteralmente sottopagato (meno dell'ora ordinaria), lo straordinario in Polizia, purtroppo, sopperisce alla grave carenza di personale dovuta al blocco delle assunzioni e del turn over".

"E impensabile - Continued Nisida - that the government is the guarantor on the one hand to ensure the peaceful outcome of major national and international events with great sacrifcio law enforcement and, second, subtract significant resources to this ".

At this i recall Ugl unions and make up the proposal made during the election campaign by the Secretary of the PD, Dario Franceschini, who had proposed the election day to save resources for the police. "With election day only - ends Nisida - combining European administrative and referendum, the government would avoid spending huge sums that would have been able to devote to law enforcement. Now the police is growing anger of us. "" We still do not understand - dichiara Letizia - perché il governo e il Viminale abbiano sottratto al Dipartimento di pubblica sicurezza cento milioni per dirottarli a fare controllare il territorio dalle ronde di cittadini".

Sulla stessa linea critica - ma riferendosi non alle ronde di cittadini, bensì a quelle dei militari - anche Claudio Giardullo, segretario genereale Silp Cgil. "Alle forze di polizia - spiega - si fanno mancare le risorse mentre il governo progetta di aumentare la costosa presenza di militari per il pattugliamento delle città. Questo, per noi, non solo non è una soluzione, ma è un ulteriore aggravio di lavoro per le forze dell'ordine come il caso emergenza rifiuti a Palermo dimostra".

Giardullo: "Nel capoluogo siciliano there was an increase in workload of the police escort that had not only the staff of the refuse collection, but also the soldiers who were to escort them. This shows that the army was not able to look after their own safety or that of employees of the firm. The moral is that to protect the Army patrols have been diverted resources to public safety. "

(June 10, 2009)


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