Wednesday, June 10, 2009

List Of Ftse 250 By Market Capitalisation

give yourself a MOSSSA LEFT .....

Today at 17:16
"To say that an 'action is urgently needed politically or socially feasible is the first (and sometimes the only) defense of those who oppose change" (John Kenneth Galbraith: Good Company) "The left is

watch: the time of ideologies is over and now is the time of trial practice
The path to victory for the right has already begun: the number and percentage of defeat a dangerous enemy, the Right piduista, with its allies and former fascist Northern League, which is trampling all the fundamental principles upon which the Constitution of the Italian Republic, one and indivisible, that the left profess and defend. The rider, who gave to these elections the political value of a vote in his favor can no longer say that it was voted by the majority of Italians and you can continually challenge the truth. What is this: he is only a 'small minority' s electorate who vote because his face interessi.Lo same is true of the League, that despite the growth rate in many communities have lost a lot of consensus numbers.

It 's time to wake up because the Left a few thousand incompetent and corrupt politicians (right-center-left) and Public Administration (Northern, Central, Southern and Islands) to defend narrow interests or cliques that support them, are debasing the spirit of the Italians, making them lose the 'pride and the desire to belong to this blessed country country where Mother Nature has given all it takes to be the ideal home.
's high turnout is the confirmation. .

Someone, referring to 'the State Administration roughly speaking of Italy and Company would apply the policy in its methods of business administration: they are often the entrepreneurs (or their political cronies) that only a group of friends has more often saved from bankruptcy or homelands galere
Altri invece, correttamente, di Sistema Italia, ossia di un complesso geopolitico dinamico con una missione cui riferirsi per affrontare gli innumerevoli problemi interdipendenti da risolvere per riportare l’Italia nel novero delle Nazioni sviluppate del 1° mondo.

La soluzione dei problemi politico-sociali , dai più semplici ai più complessi, è insita nella chiara e completa presa di coscienza di essi, nell’ analisi razionale dei fattori che li configurano, nella corretta valutazione dell’ incidenza e influenza di ciascuno di essi sia nei rapporti reciproci sia nella/e soluzione/i efficiente/i.

Ecco, di seguito, cosa è necessario:

Primo: prendere preventivamente coscienza di cosa è il Sistema Italia. nel contesto geopolitico europeo e mondiale attuale e, per quanto possibile, del prossimo futuro e, quindi, quali missioni deve perseguire. E’ un paese culturalmente avanzato? quali punte d’ eccellenza e carenze possiede? E’ un paese industriale d’ avanguardia o un paese ad alta densità di servizi di elevato livello o un paese ad economia mista ? e in ogni caso cosa privilegiare e con quali proporzioni?

Secondo: ricercare le cause che non consentono a questo Sistema di essere effettivamente efficiente. E’ adeguata la sua struttura politico amministrativa in relazione all’ efficienza richiesta dall’ attuale contesto politico europeo e mondiale? An 'analysis of' administrative inefficiency of the political machine leads us to see how it is the fundamental cause of 'excessive spending, the abyss of debt, of' over-bureaucratization of the decisions at any level. The solution is not federalism but a strong centralism with the reduction in the number of regions at 10-12 (something he finds them in a study of the Agnelli Foundation in 1990),

's elimination of one of two peripheral administrative levels ( Povince? municipalities?), the 'consolidation of small municipalities in larger demographic realities and administrative decentralization (as envisaged by the Constitution) according to rules of PPBS (planning-programming-budjeting system). In other words: a-state branches
program guidelines general government policy;
b-regions, noted the need peripherals and the center needs in order of priority;
c-state funds allocated to each region according to need and availability and relevance with the guidelines.

Third, adjust the system of networks, the 'central structure of which should be planned, funded and controlled centrally while at the periphery (regions) should be entrusted with the fleshing out of it according to coordinated central directives in the context of the Italian system.

Fourth harmonize the system responsible for correcting the security 'over-dispersion of the forces in too many institutions involved in it and currently employees simultaneously by multiple ministries rather than a' single responsible institution.

Fifth, make the tax system fairer.

Sixth, more efficient welfare.

Seventh really address the economic crisis with: a-

Immediate measures:

- It is necessary to increase the 'purchasing power of the masses with an increase in lower wages and a parallel reduction in the tax on them and control consumer prices and tariffs (to avoid the 'increase of' inflation). Where to get the funds? For public employees, employees of private businesses and pensioners' increased tax revenues due to 'inflation and a tighter control of' evasion and of 'tax avoidance, for self-employed in a' proper recalculation of charges and deductions.
- You do not need to reduce public employment or contracting public expenditure (of any reduction in 'employment and public spending have recessionary effects) but make them more efficient. This requires ristrutturatone of Government or public activities, heading for virtuous purposes in line with what should be the national economic policy The funds: those provided by 'in the current financial fields' interest.
- is necessary to support businesses, whatever their size, financial measures with a view to their development within the framework of 'organizational and product innovation, noting that large companies with an efficient public administration are the wealth of a nation , while medium and small are the mirror.

b-Planned measures

- You must turn on a powerful and convincing public works program aimed at strengthening the system of networks, in 'field of an address intended to develop the country as a unitary system that is ideally located in the Mediterranean is from the geopolitical point of view both climatic and environmental and historical-cultural and industrial. Funds? They can be public (if necessary, sell the family jewels) and private and their sufficiency will depend on the clarity of the program and the exciting drive to 'investment resulting in a compelling work of communication and persuasion.
- It 's necessary for an effective reform of the shape of the state (as mentioned above), a reduction of the Regions, with the' application of PPBS (planning-programming-budgeting system) in the formulation of economic policy

is waiting for comments and criticisms, I will stop here.


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