Sunday, June 14, 2009

Dico Thermostat Manuals

not too long Nicola Bressan

Have you noticed something extraordinary? We are telling us that to be born a new party, movement, association with the left ... a United Left which does not disavow his past and his identity, but able to innovate the country and the ruling class ... .. Then, without anyone noticing it, see it, being aware of the movement already exists in hundreds of groups ... FB, with its petitions, invitations, activities, often shared by the same people, with names that are repeated and new names make up a nation of hundreds of thousands of people ... but not only that all these petitions, texts, calls etc. .. unconsciously draw the program of the left ... amazing. The left does in fact exist between the "normal" people, including the not "elected" even among those who abstained from the elections because he was tired and even disgusted ... then what do we do with this intelligence and this force?
waiting for someone to come to take her away for their own electoral interests or power? Or do we yield?
Why you like it or not things occur, situations evolve.
We can not stand to look at the window ... because you like it or not, the story also passes through the windows.
You can not be spectators because we are, willy-nilly, involved if not overwhelmed. Then

diveniamone protagonists. This time we change the rules of the game.
This time I ask because clearly it's getting late now ... you can not wait any longer.
Spread the word.
Make sure that the groups you belong to you or your friends that belong to communicate with it.
Let the documents and appeals also appear in this group and others.
s compare and chat and share information, acts. Started to organize. We put forward the best of our abilities, mobilize for this democracy, controversial and limited, but the only basis on which to build for something better. I invited you to participate in an act of witness, wearing a flower in front of town halls on Sunday 28.
E 'action recently, someone smile, others will have erased ... but with small gestures we can communicate that the left exists, we can tackle the sense of annihilation and despair that pervades much of the country ... I asked a flower to witness the desire for freedom and democracy ... but instead I ask you to share your principles, your ethics, your desire to participate ... someone wrote "... if not now when?" We grew up in a country the son of a popular and partisan struggle, during which we celebrated those years, perhaps forgetting the meaning, perhaps forgetting that there are people who make history, but often leave to the powerful opportunity to write memory .. to fight back, now is the time ...


Why are there because for so many things. There are
because of the desire to mettere in soffitta
la sinistra. Ci sono dei perché quelli di sinistra “
non si muovono”. Ci sono anche dei perché sembra che
tutti vogliano che “quelli di sinistra” NON si muovano.

Ci sono dei perché per la questione dell'ambiente,
della sua difesa, della sua tutela che non può essere
affrontata se non si affronta insieme la questione di
che economia si vuole, perché è difficile infatti
applicare le tutela ambientale ad una economia che fa
della distruzione delle risorse naturali la condizione
per la sua stessa esistenza.
Ci sono dei perché anche al fatto che al posto di
migliorare la scuola pubblica
you remove the resources to be devoted to private schools, there are
because it does the same with hospitals and public health,
where people come and can not be treated or rescued, because there are
the machines are broken, or there is no place
and there is a private hospital because they are efficient.
There is definitely a reason to the fact that the company that built the hospital
Aquila, that collapsed the
has been entrusted with the reconstruction of the entire city there are
because the union is required
out of those same sites. There are
because the man who wrote and Gomorrah
had to flee abroad to safety, as there are so
the fact that when someone wants to investigate the mafia
many politicians and business people prefer to say
"but never mind, because everyone is moving confusion" ... There are so
Mangano was a hero and Falcone and Borsellino
are forgotten because there are
when a dictator like Qaddafi in Italy is honored by all politicians, and there is a
because if someone evades his police's
is returned for non-EU, and there is a
because even when we talk about Europe, especially before
election, when it
important laws are made to the European Parliament, and there is a reason our President of the Board
not going to speak to the parliament
but prefers to speak with the director of "Chi" and Bruno Vespa
a Porta a Porta.
There's a freedom in this country because it is becoming increasingly
in danger and no one wants to admit.
There is a reason to the fact that I continue to write,
send mail to "disturb." If you came to this line
think you understand why.
Because I firmly believe that all this can be changed.
And I firmly believe that the change that do not touch
altro.Credo someone touches us.

I also believe that I no longer believe those who told me that you can not.
I think even fewer who tells me CAN 'DO when his
want to do it seems, in fact, does not coincide with mine.
I do not think even he who destroys a left
name of absolute truth. I do not think those who want to divide, take away
I believe that being left is to believe in equality,
in freedom, believing that nobody should be exploited, I think that being left
it means to be inclusive,
that all have equal dignity, that no one can be left out of the
I also believe that the door be left
is fighting for these things, we admit that these things
relate directly, in person.
is: is there a why I do, there is a "why is
left in our country," there is a "why are so many
heads and not just one," there is a need for talk, discuss, decide and do
"because there are so many to be answered ..
. Do not pull back!!

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