Tuesday, June 9, 2009

How To Put On A Stayfree

Chronicle June

Gaddafi asks for money: I need a lot
billion to stem the flow of immigrants
Colonel in the Capitol: Cancel all political parties, power to the people
Italian. Attack the United States: terrorists like Bin Laden
Clashes at La Sapienza: the Libyan leader greeted by boos

"What is the difference between the attack of the Americans in 1986 against our homes and to azioniterroristiche Bin Laden? "said Gaddafi.
"If Bin Laden does not have a state and is an outlaw, America is a State with international rules, "added the colonel, who spoke in an armored Senate. Tight security at La Sapienza, where there were clashes between police and demonstrators for the arrival of the Libyan leader.
Controversy also the speech in the Capitol, where Gaddafi just got out of the white limousine, dressed in a brown leather coat, greeted people by raising his right fist.

Gaddafi's visit, therefore, continues to provoke controversy and protests. Even today there have been many phrases that have made people talk given by Colonel, according to which the United States because Iraq has become the arena open for the terrorists of al Qaeda. "Iraq was a fortress against terrorism, con Saddam Hussein al Qaeda non poteva entrare, ora grazie agli Usa è un'arena aperta e questo è un beneficio per al Qaida», ha detto. «Siamo contro il terrorismo e lo condanniamo» ma, ha agiunto il leader libico, «dobbiamo cercare di capire le ragioni vere di questo fenomeno pernicioso». Dobbiamo «dialogare anche con il diavolo, se necessario per capire il terrorismo». Gheddafi ha poi affermato che la Libia ha rinunciato al nucleare, sostenendo che non si vive all'ombra dei missili e chiesto soldi per l'Africa, non come dono ma come risarcimento.

La Libia ha bisogno di diversi miliardi di euro per poter efficacemente frenare i flussi di immigrati che vogliono raggiungere l'Italia e l'Europa, ha quindi Libyan leader stressed in his speech to the hall of the Palazzo Zuccari Giustiniani, defining 'insufficient' the one billion euro and the European Union gives to Libya to curb immigration.

go-ahead to serve immigrants and a dictator. "Let me defend the Italian government to stop immigration. Let come millions of people "and then we will need a dictator to protect you, Gadhafi went on to say, attacking human rights defenders. "Let - Colonel said ironically - to organizations in the defense of human rights responsibility of finding a job, medical care, you need" the millions of immigrants who could pour in your country.

Power to the Italian people, to cancel the party. The colonel then also disperses the Italian political system. The dream of the Libyan leader is to give power to the Italian people, annulling all parties, "no more left, right and center." "The symbol of the Italian people will be the fraternity because the party system is an abortion of democracy", said Colonel speaking in the Capitol.

Clashes at La Sapienza. Before the arrival of Colonel protesters hurled eggs and paint against a procession of blue car, shouting "shame murderess." Launch of smoke also fighting against the forces of order and (here the sequence) when the students tried to superare le transenne. Gheddafi è stato accolto con fischi e gida di insulti e cori «siamo tutti clandestini». Tanti gli striscioni degli studenti dell'Onda e dei cen tri sociali («Stop respingimenti, libertà di movimento», «Frati (il rettore dell'ateneo, ndr) vai in vacanza»). Esposti anche gommoni con scritte contro Gheddafi per denunciare, hanno detto, il dramma dell'immigrazione. Dopo il discorso di Gheddafi in Aula Magna i manifestanti si sono riuniti in assemblea in un'aula di Lettere. Ad applaudire Gheddafi c'era invece un gruppo di curdi.

Frati: qui non c'è inquisizione. «La Sapienza, sotto il mio rettorato, non ha l'inquisizione, permette a chiunque a parlare all'interno dell'ateneo» said the rector of the University Luigi Frati. Onda

student applies, blocked by security. To a student, Silvana, which has defined itself "a student representative of the Wave" was snatched the microphone in the middle of his speech. She reported that all questions were organized. Applause instead after a student asked to Gaddafi as there are free elections in Libya. "What do you mean by democracy?" Asked the student. "I think - he added - not just about having hospitals or schools that work, even Mussolini used to do this. When will the free elections of Libya? ". Given the challenges of students who shouted "Let us talk," Gaddafi has finished before his speech.

Arab women: we are under threat from the Libyans. "We were threatened and said, why not wear the veil, you are Muslim, because it challenged our leaders?" Charges made by the Maghreb Wisdom. Say they "have been threatened by a group of about ten men in Libya, in dark suits, who were stationed in the street of the Roman." "We were also told to photograph us," added the women. The police intervened, then removed the group of Libyans. As reported some student movement, the group of Libyans, tried to infiltrate the protesters. In his speech

Gaddafi spoke to the Wisdom of the damage linked to colonialism, the "right" of peoples who have suffered to be compensated and the problems related to terrorism. "In Libya - he said - there was one family that did not have relatives and friends killed or injured by the Italian presence." Gaddafi reiterated its condemnation of colonialism, calling it "a failed project and reprehensible" and claimed that all the states that have been "entitled to seek compensation, that does not happen again." The Libyan leader said that while the basis of terrorism is colonialism.

on compensation for colonialism Gaddafi reiterated that "not even the weight gold in the world can compensate the Libyan people "for" the atrocities and the damage it has suffered "by the Italians.

"The right of asylum? Lies spread. " The Africans who arrive in Italy, is the opinion of Gaddafi, are "hungry and not political refugees." In Africa, he added, "there are no political problems" and the problem of asylum seekers "is a lie spread." They move from Africa, he explains, "to chase the resources that they consider have been stolen" by the colonialist countries. "And in any case - said the colonel - to accept a million refugees? If you did it would be a great thing, I'll help you if you want a million Africans, who might then become two, twenty, fifty, I am with you. "

criticism of UNHCR. The Agency for Refugees United Nations (UNHCR) defines as "worrying" Gaddafi's words and stressed that the Libyan leader's statements "meant to imply that you do not recognize a real need of millions of people, even in Africa, forced to flee due to armed conflicts and human rights violations. "

Schifani: he spoke of a statesman, well on immigration. The President of the Senate speaks of "a man of the State speech articolatissimo" and points out that Gadhafi "has spoken very well on immigration stressing how essential intervention Europe in this field. " Shared the words on terrorism. "It's just - notes - to ask why the phenomenon, what are its roots." In the morning Schifani said that the Treaty of Friendship "is a bridge to the future."

Finocchiaro: different conception of rights. Anna Finocchiaro acknowledges the progress made in relations with Libya, but the stresses on Gaddafi's speech to the Senate a "different conception of the forms of exercising power, typical of liberal democracies, rights and guarantees." Finocchiaro points out the need for a "commitment to protecting the human rights of migrants and migrants."

Frattini: no We can not agree on everything. "I was not there so I can not comment," said the foreign minister then added: "I can not comment, but we agree on everything mica with Gaddafi."

speech rather liked to Giulio Andreotti, who emphasized that there is "those who confuse the international law with the right to trample on those of others."

Protests IDV. A group of senators with the IDV parent Felice Belisario waited in front of Palazzo Giustiniani Libyan leader by producing a facsimile of an academic certificate with the word 'degree Horroris Case "with a reference to the violation of human rights. The leader of Belisarius and the other senators also pinned on the jacket photo of the remains of the plane exploded over the skies of Pan Am Lockerbie in Scotland with the writing "270 dead". Antonio Di Pietro spoke of "insult to democracy" for the way in which Gaddafi has been "welcomed, respected and flattered by the highest authorities of the State", and behind all that "there are very strong economic interests and business relationships that are beyond the Parliament and citizens. "

Casini: violated the dignity of the Republic. "I think there are issues of decorum and dignity of the institutions of the Republic be preserved forever. The relationship with the Libyan people should be strengthened, but the manner in which it was received yesterday that Gaddafi è stato violato»: così il leader dell'Udc, Pierferdinando Casini.

Polemiche sull'incontro in Campidoglio. Alcuni consiglieri del Pdl avevano annunciato che avrebbero disertato l'incntro in Campidoglio alle 18 con Gheddafi che terrà un discorso da una delle finestre che si affacciano sulla piazza disegnata da Michelangelo. «Comprendo le motivazioni dei consiglieri - ha commentato il sindaco Alemanno - ma loro devono comprendere che il rapporto con la Libia è per l'Italia assolutamente strategico».

A villa Pamphili protesta con sfilata tricolori. Una «motorata tricolore» per le vie adiacenti a villa Pamphili per protestare contro la visita del leader libico. L'iniziativa, organizzata dal movimento giovanile Roma Europa Sociale (Res), ha come slogan: «Nessun rispetto per chi non rispetta». I manifestanti, che si definiscono «giovani di destra vicini al Pdl» hanno sventolato delle bandiere tricolori.

"Donne che non vogliono incontrare Gheddafi". Mentre Gheddafi sarà all'Auditorium per un incontro con 1000 donne tra cui il ministro Carfagna, altre si riuniranno 12 alla Casa internazionale delle donne a Roma (via della Lugara 6), per protestare contro «deportazioni e soprattutto i campi di concentramento, alcuni finanziati dall’italia, in cui donne e uomini subiscono violenze di ogni tipo. Alcune di noi quei campi li hanno conosciuti e, giunte in italia, li hanno testimoniati». Il «fronte del no to Gaddafi has sent in these days an open letter to Libyan leader, and knowledge to the Italian and European parliamentarians, in which challenge to Gaddafi, "the covenant of war closely with the Italian State and the European Union against migrants."


June 10, 2009 For the CSM package safety rules affecting the rights of illegal immigrants and their children and put "as opposed to the right of the child or adolescent to their personal identity and citizenship to be recognized immediately at the time of his birth"; right guaranteed by the Convention on the Rights del fanciullo di New York ratificata dall'Italia.(MARIO PAVONE)

Con lui sette consiglieri
Sulmona esclusa dal cratere, il sindaco Federico lascia il Pdl
Con lui sette consiglieri

Il sindaco di Sulmona e sette consiglieri, tutti del Pdl, hanno annunciato l'uscita dal Pdl e la confluenza nel gruppo di maggioranza "Alleanza per Sulmona" per protestare con il partito a causa dell'esclusione di Sulmona dalla lista dei 49 comuni della zona cratere individuati dal decreto Bertolaso dopo il sisma che ha distrutto L'Aquila e alcuni comuni della provincia. I protagonisti della protesta sono il sindaco Fabio Federico, i consiglieri Antonio De Deo, Donato Di Cesare, Nunzio Alfredo Giovannelli, Gaetano Pagone, John Capparuccia, Cristian La Civita and Nicola Angelucci, president of the municipal council. The document, signed last night, and 'was formalized this morning during the session of the City Council. In the PDL, and also act as team leader, remains the only parliamentary adviser and Paola Pelino. Alliance Sulmona ", with 12 counselors, the group becomes numerically more 'representative and the City is preparing to rule'. It 's not excluded at this point, a new structure in the composition of the municipal council.

Today 15:42

Sonia Alfano & Luigi De Magistris incontrano tutti i Cittadini della Provincia di Caserta per ringraziare lo straordinario successo alle elezioni Europee anche in provincia di Caserta e per testimoniare la loro vicinanza e il loro impegno a favore della nostra Provincia per la costruzione di un nuovo futuro fatto di giustizia e di liberta'.

L'incontro si svolgera' in provincia di Caserta in un luogo ancora da decidere e che verra' comunicato con almeno due settimane di anticipo. Per informazioni si prega di contattare l'organizzazione dell'evento all'indirizzo e-mail o al numero di telefonodi seguito riportato.


La giornalista piacentina è subject of disciplinary investigations by the Ethics Committee of the RAI solicited by people who do not like the information work carried out by her with all the staff report.
Unlike previous cases, and similar to other journalists, in which some fig leaves gave a vague justification for the protests and then timely complaint leading to a much less justifiable, in the case of Milena Gabanelli employment history and impeccable journalistic action offers its detractors mirrors to try anything else that holds ...

This group wants to bring solidarity to one of the latest and best Italian journalists, who never let herself be tempted by easy mechanisms tabloid to seek notoriety, and as few in his speeches is able to distinguish fact from opinion, and as little help, tips and teaches young professionals, as few have a history of personal merit and has risked his own body the consequences of their work .

ON FACE BOOK'S 'is the group of those who believe that people like Milena Gabanelli, Giovanni Minoli, Sabrina Giannini, Marco Travaglio and a few others remain a bulwark of information in a world of confusion, rated unqualified by any person open and sincere mind regardless of their political beliefs, for their work for the transmission of facts and critical stimulus depth. The Gabanelli and all the staff Reports face yet another attack on their journalistic action with the serenity of one who is sure of his honesty of purpose, and the quiet of this statement can only confirm the professional stature of those who work seriously.
not why we feel we have missed our support and our estimate.

Gabanelli Milena is one of the most compelling reasons to turn on a television.


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