Saturday, June 27, 2009

Eagle Sperm Scooter Wheels

From noon to noon with a note Bersani

Political Organizations Description: The Democratic Party is poised to experience one of the most important and delicate stage of his young but experienced. The congress in October should be an important step to revive the political action of the largest reformist party of Italian and one of the most significant field force progressive and democratic Europe. I decided to support the candidature of Pierluigi Bersani, high-profile reformist and democratic honest, that has always characterized his policy proposal with a large central attributed al tema Mezzogiorno. Ed è proprio dal Sud che dovrà partire la nuova stagione del Pd.

Il mio sostegno a Pierluigi Bersani si basa su quattro punti fondamentali: selezione della classe dirigente fondata sul merito e sulla qualita', contro ogni logica legata ad improvvisazione e cooptazione, costruzione di un nuovo meridionalismo pragmatico, riformista e moderno, grande centralità ai temi europei e all’Unione quale “patria più ampia” di un Paese che deve tornare ad essere motore del processo di integrazione, volontà di liberare le tante giovani energie culturali, civili e professionali contro ogni forma di incrostazione corporativa e rendita parassitaria che - al Nord ma molto più al Sud - mortifica le competenze weak and often also the commitment to do more daring and do well. around an idea of \u200b\u200bthe South, to Italy and then Europe will have to assess and build convergences and alliances with other political forces, alternative to the block PDL - Lega , which today are already the majority in the country.
E 'on four proposals listed on Facebook, which launched the group, from noon to noon with Bersani.

wish to acknowledge with sincere gratitude to Dario Franceschini have worked hard in recent months to avoid the crumbling of the party. Franceschini is has proven capable and authoritative leader, available to listen to discussion and respectful of others' opinions. So there are conditions to make a conference speaking country and to discuss policy and future and avoid unnecessary conflicts and divisions that threaten to tear apart and move away again from the citizens. Who says Franceschini avoid presenting this as a challenge dialectic between old and new, because it is an exercise incorrectly and failed to reflect reality. It is to build the Democratic Party, there is much work to do to create the "New Party for the new century."

The South, with his women and his best men can make an important contribution by supporting the candidacy of Pierluigi Bersani. From the south, from our great southern may be born and a new future.

Gianni Pittella


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