Saturday, June 6, 2009

Moses For Preschoolers

GABANELLI AND SOCIAL CARD .............................

The Gabanelli as Santoro. After the controversy over episodes of "Annozero" dedicated to the earthquake of Abruzzo, is the news that the leader of the "Reports", Milena Gabanelli, was referred to the Ethics Committee of the RAI for the broadcast of "Report of the week last week, dedicated to "social cards" and the huge costs that this would cost the state coffers. The investigation seems to have pleased the Minister of Economy, Giulio Tremonti, interviewed during the episode, which was first raised in the matter to the Ethics Committee of the state broadcaster.

And so, after the sanctions of the Viale Mazzini, Michele Santoro and al vignettista Vauro Senesi, la mannaia sembra pronta a essere calata anche sulla Gabanelli, considerata anche dagli osteggiatori di Santoro come un modello di riferimento, come una giornalista che appare poco e che fa parlare i fatti.

Sulla vicenda non sono mancate le reazioni politiche: “Report era e resta il fiore all’occhiello del giornalismo d’inchiesta del servizio pubblico radiotelevisivo nel nostro paese - è stato il commento affidato ad una nota di Giorgio Merlo, Pd, vice presidente della Commissione di Vigilanza Rai - Mai risse, mai polemiche astiose, mai faziosità, mai volgarità e mai pregiudiziali di natura politica o personale. Solo e soltanto il racconto crudo dei fatti. Qualunque minaccia di inchiesta internal, true or false, would report against a heavy and unacceptable reduction of freedom of expression and of real journalism in the Rai. Who believes in a pluralistic Rai qualified and authoritative - concludes the statement - can not counteract Report. And 'well you know even the top of Viale Mazzini. " Along the same lines also

Fabrizio Morri, leader of the Democratic Party in the Supervisory Board Rai: "You can only be horrified by the fact that you plan to address issues such as sensitive information and criticism on television censorship dusting drives very frankly concern. These early moves belie a commitment announced by all political forces which was to raise, with a full governance, public service and in all European countries ensures the diversity of opinion, even the most questionable. " "I asked - said Morri - Zavoli to the President to take action with Rai to know if this is true that an internal investigation was under way also on the transmission report and discuss it as soon as possible for the committee of vigilance." Meanwhile, the events

Gabanelli-Santoro came to Strasbourg. Manisco and Giuseppe Di Lello, two former members of the Italian and European Palamento together with the journalist Alexander Cisilino brought the controversy to the attention of the Council of Europe - Parliamentary Assembly, the European Court of Human Rights, Commissioner for Human Rights. The three promoters dell'esposto justified their action with the censorship and disciplinary measures taken against the two programs of investigative journalism conducted by two journalists accused and the alleged interference of the Prime Minister, Silvio Berlusconi, on appointments of top Rai .

The complaint, filed with the Council of Europe, refers to Article 11 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights, and two resolutions, approved overwhelmingly in 2004 by the European Parliament and the Council of Europe, who had denounced the our country the conflict of interest between ownership and control of television companies by Silvio Berlusconi and his official duties as President of the Council.

The request to the competent organs of the Council of Europe is launching a "hearing" and a "predictable and monitoring of these new attacks on freedom of information in Italy, as well as a reminder to the Government and Parliament of the Republic Italian order that the findings already observed that the European Parliament and the Council of Europe.


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